Babies 7th month

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Jennifer Ann Steinort studied health economics and is a state-approved nanny. She mainly writes on real-life topics, and experiences from working in health facilities and her own family life with three children flow into her work.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

In babies 7.In the month of the month the chances of acquiring another skill are excellent: sitting. Suddenly your child has an overview! Read here what all of this changes and how you can now support your child.

The 7th month

Your child tirelessly explores their surroundings. Objects are no longer explored exclusively with the mouth. In particular, the new ability to sit allows your seven-month-old baby to observe his environment from a different position. And: Your child's own, very individual character emerges more and more at the age of seven months.

7th month - physical development

Your seven-month-old baby is also growing about one and a half centimeters this month, with your baby's head circumference increasing slightly more at seven months than before. Depending on how active your child is in everyday life, it may put on more or less weight. As a rule, it is 400 g in babies in the seventh month. Most children of this age wear size 74.

Motor skills and reflexes

Many parents are longingly waiting for this: their child can sit independently. This enables babies at seven months to participate more actively in family life.

Thanks to diligent crawling, your baby now has enough back muscles to keep his body in an upright position. Your seven-month-old baby's neck muscles are now strong enough to stabilize the head on the neck. In addition, your child can now support their own weight if you briefly bring them into an upright position.

At seven months, your baby can safely turn from tummy to back and back again. Your child probably has a favorite site.

The development of the senses

Your seven month old baby invested a lot of time developing his senses. In addition to the sense of touch and body awareness, this is especially true for sight. Among other things, your child can perceive changes and gradations in brightness better and better.

A seven-month-old baby can even perceive small differences in brightness and subtleties of an object. The cones on his retina are now so developed that your offspring can also see colors better. With the first porridge meals, your offspring also trains their sense of taste and smell.

7th month - mental development

Your baby's mental development also progresses in the seventh month. It takes pleasure in its environment and would like to discover new things every day. Your offspring will no longer rely solely on their mouths when they are seven months old. It is increasingly able to use its hands to explore its environment. To do this, objects are moved back and forth, viewed from all sides and hit against each other. Throwing objects is also a popular game.

Your seven-month-old baby uses his little fingers to explore objects with holes. Nose, ears and eyes are also not safe from your offspring. Children at seven months are also interested in their reflection in the mirror. The movements in it are carefully observed.

Emotional development

Your baby shows you his affection more and more clearly: He cuddles up to you and reacts to your voice with facial expressions and sounds. At seven months, your baby is very sensitive and perceives your mood with its fine antennae.

As you walk around, your child is following you with their eyes. When you speak to it, it reacts with different sounds. When your seven-month-old baby is happy, it makes squeaky and whooping sounds.

Social development and communication

If you address your child by name now, they will respond to it. Your baby would like to be the center of your life and always tries to get your attention. It likes to be in the middle of the action and observe the communication between you and your partner. When spoken to, it responds with its own sounds.

Your seven-month-old baby already understands a "no". Speaking in a stern tone, your baby will sit up and take notice. However, it is important not to use a "no" too often so that it does not lose its effect.

Your offspring want to be an active member of the family. Since babies can usually sit up by seven months, having your offspring sit at the table in a high chair is good for social development. A meal taken together promotes social structure and bonding.

7th month - This is how you support your child in a playful way

What can babies at seven months do and how can I support their development? There are many fun play ideas for your seven month old baby, for example:

Mirror image, ahoy: just recently, your seven-month-old baby was frightened by his reflection in the mirror. In the meantime, curiosity has triumphed. Make a game out of it! Place your child (preferably supported in their back) in front of a large wall mirror. Put toys in his hand. Your baby will carefully follow his reflection in the mirror and enjoy his look-alike's toys. It can thereby improve attention and communication skills.

A bedtime verse: Your seven month old baby loves rhymes. Think of a very individual verse that you add with small hand movements. Always performed at bedtime, your seven-month-old baby will look forward to the little ritual every day. With this loving game you promote the bonding behavior and communication skills of your baby.

Turning Pages: Do you notice your baby has a favorite side while turning? Then deliberately place toys on the opposite side. This will encourage your seven-month-old baby to turn to the other side. In this way you promote the mobility and body awareness of your offspring.

Visit to the pediatrician in the 7th month

Your baby will not have a regular doctor's appointment in the seventh month. The intervals between preventive examinations gradually increase. However, if you are concerned about your child's development or health, you shouldn't be afraid to see your pediatrician.

Infants are rarely ill in the first six months of their life. They are still protected by the so-called nest protection via the mother's defenses. In the seventh month, however, this changes increasingly, and your child has to build up his own active immune system - through contact with pathogens and vaccinations. Febrile infections and malaise can now occur more frequently.

Tips for the 7th month

Protect your child: With the new skills, there are new risks for your seven-month-old baby. Don't leave him alone in the high chair. There is too great a risk that your baby will bend over too far and tip over with the chair. At seven months, your baby is particularly interested in small holes. If you have not already done so, you should now attach a socket protector to all accessible sockets at the latest.

Prove a first aid course: There are many dangers lurking in the household for your seven-month-old baby - from swallowing objects to touching dangerous substances, such as cleaning agents. Then it is important to react correctly in an emergency. A first aid course is offered by various organizers such as the Red Cross or statutory health insurance companies.

You can find initial information in the text First aid for babies and children.

Sitting, but not for too long: Your seven-month-old baby enjoys observing his surroundings from a new position. Even if it would like to sit all day, limit the time, otherwise there is a risk of damage.

Read more about this in the text When babies start to sit.

Tags:  skin care Diagnosis palliative medicine 

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