In old age: Regular exercise prevents falls

Christine Albert studied German linguistics and literature as well as Scandinavian studies at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg. She is currently doing a traineeship at Hubert Burda Media and is writing, among other things, for

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

The fear of falling can paralyze older people. You refrain from going for a walk and no longer want to run errands yourself. But it only makes the problem worse.

Movement is good for the body - this also applies to old age. Especially those who are unsure when walking should be regularly active in order to train their mobility and coordination. Otherwise the muscle strength and the sense of balance will decrease. This increases the risk of falls, warns the Center for Quality in Nursing (ZQP). Those who fall may be unsettled by this experience and move even less. That could become a vicious circle.

That is why relatives are also in demand. You should motivate older people to do as much as possible themselves - for example, to get dressed. This promotes independence and at the same time the range of motion. The important thing is not to persuade, urge or even force.

Have eyes and ears checked regularly

Those who can see and hear well are safer on the move. For this reason, the ZQP advises you to always use glasses and hearing aids and to have your eyes and ears tested regularly. The risk of falling can also be reduced in the home: for example, with handles and handrails or lamps with motion detectors.

Runners, sleepers and cables are typical stumbling blocks that should be defused. Clothing and everyday items such as the remote control should be within easy reach.

Be aware of the side effects of medication

Some medications can have side effects that increase the risk of falls - by making you tired, making you urinate, or causing confusion, the nursing experts explain. Seek medical advice when observing these types of symptoms.

If you are unsure what is still physically possible and what is not, you can have a movement plan with exercises drawn up in a physiotherapy practice. Health insurance companies or municipalities may make offers that can be used: sitting gymnastics, for example. (approx / dpa)

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