Three-month colic in babies - causes

and Martina Feichter, medical editor and biologist

Martina Feichter studied biology with an elective subject pharmacy in Innsbruck and also immersed herself in the world of medicinal plants. From there it was not far to other medical topics that still captivate her to this day. She trained as a journalist at the Axel Springer Academy in Hamburg and has been working for since 2007 - first as an editor and since 2012 as a freelance writer.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Cause unclear

Despite many studies over the past few decades, the cause of three-month colic is still unclear. Because the screaming attacks often occur during or after feeding, abdominal cramps and flatulence have been suspected as the cause. However, x-rays show that crawling babies have on average the same amount of gas in their intestines as babies who cry “normally a lot”.

The reason for the screaming attacks is now more likely to be that the affected babies may not have completed the developmental step of calming themselves down according to their age. Doctors therefore speak of an early regulatory disorder. These infants cry a lot and have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, which is why they are usually completely overtired. That makes the little ones even more sensitive. In general, experts suspect that baby cribs are more sensitive than "healthy" peers: stimuli from the environment overwhelm them more quickly and it is harder for them to switch off. Especially in the first months of life, numerous new sensory impressions rattle on the little ones.

What baby crying can mean

The first three months of life are often a difficult phase for the baby and the parents. The newborn has to adapt and learn a lot of new things. Screaming is one of the few means of communication at this time. The children scream when they are hungry, need attention, the diaper is full, it is too cold or too warm for them, they feel uncomfortable, it is too dark or too light or it is too loud for them. And screaming is necessary to get the caregiver's attention. So there are many possible triggers for baby crying. Once the child has started screaming, however, it is often difficult to determine the cause.

The baby has to process a lot of new sensory impressions - for example when going out with the stroller with lots of unknown noises, on the bus or on the subway to the pediatrician. Even visitors who want to admire the newborn and “bring” new smells and voices can overwhelm sensitive children in particular - this overwhelming often finds its expression in loud screaming (sometimes only at the end of the exciting day).

Digestive tract develops

In the first few months, the baby's digestive tract and other organs continue to develop. Many newborns have flatulence with loud bowel noises, a bulging belly, and the passage of winds. Most babies are little affected by this. However, some are more sensitive and respond with screaming phases after the meal.

In rare cases, crying attacks after eating can also be an expression of a cow's milk protein allergy (also when breastfeeding) or another intestinal disease. If necessary, clarify this with your pediatrician.

Parents - difficult getting used to

The first months are not only stressful for the baby, they are also difficult for the parents. Regardless of whether you are a baby boy or not. You have to get used to your child first. With the first child, it is not easy to switch from living alone or as a couple to an additional resident who demands full attention. If the mother was previously fully employed, her life now changes abruptly. Young parents also have to learn baby care first. The insecurity and nervousness of the parents can be transferred to the child.

Vicious circle

So there are numerous things that can depress, confuse, or upset the baby. In the first months of life, however, it can only respond with screams. When parents, in response to all the screaming, change their strategies faster and faster to calm their child down because nothing seems to be working, this often confuses the offspring even more - the screaming intensifies. This vicious circle makes both sides increasingly frustrated. Break through it by trying to establish routines early on and taking regular breaks to save your nerves.

Tags:  healthy feet symptoms organ systems 

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