Abdominal sonography

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Abdominal ultrasound is an ultrasound scan of the abdomen. It is used both for diagnosing diseases and for monitoring the course. With their help, the doctor can assess various abdominal organs, for example, the liver, kidneys, and spleen. Read here which organs can be assessed in the abdominal ultrasound and when the abdominal ultrasound is important.

Which organs are examined during abdominal ultrasound?

In the sonography (abdomen) the doctor assesses the size, structure and location of the following abdominal organs and vessels:

  • Liver including the large vessels of the liver
  • Gallbladder and biliary tract
  • spleen
  • right and left kidney
  • Pancreas
  • prostate
  • Lymph nodes
  • Aorta, great vena cava, and femoral veins
  • Urinary bladder (when full)
  • Womb (uterus)
  • Bowel (only limited assessment possible)

In addition, the doctor can use the Abdomensono to detect free fluid in the abdominal cavity, for example an inflammatory effusion or blood.

How do I have to prepare for abdominal ultrasound?

There are no special preparatory measures for the usual ultrasound examinations (abdomen). You do not have to be sober, but it is advisable to avoid large meals or beverages with a lot of carbon dioxide: otherwise the intestine is too filled with gas and covers the other organs. If your abdominal ultrasound scan will be performed in a practice, it is best to put on loose clothing so that you can easily clear the abdomen (including the lower abdomen).

How does the abdominal ultrasound work?

The sono (abdomen) works on the same principle as any ultrasound examination: the transducer emits ultrasound waves that are thrown back (reflected) in different ways by different tissue structures. The abdomen can best be assessed when the patient lies relaxed on his back with his legs slightly bent. The kidneys, on the other hand, are often easier to examine when lying on their side.

Since the liver and spleen are partially covered by the ribs, the doctor asks the patient to take a deep breath and hold their breath a little so that the organs are pushed down through the diaphragm. If something abnormal such as a tumor or a change in the tissue structure is found during the abdominal ultrasound, the doctor will initiate further examinations.

Tags:  Diseases teenager digital health 

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