Signs of pregnancy

Eva Rudolf-Müller is a freelance writer in the medical team. She studied human medicine and newspaper sciences and has repeatedly worked in both areas - as a doctor in the clinic, as a reviewer, and as a medical journalist for various specialist journals. She is currently working in online journalism, where a wide range of medicine is offered to everyone.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

The most common signs of pregnancy are the absence of a menstrual period and breast growth. Some pregnant women also feel a pulling in the abdomen and an increased need to urinate. Cravings as well as nausea and vomiting - especially in the morning - are also possible first signs. However, pregnancy can also make itself noticeable through other signals. Read everything you need to know about pregnancy signs here!

Signs of pregnancy: when do they start?

Some women notice the first signs of pregnancy as soon as the fertilized egg cell is implanted - a process that takes place around 5/6 Day to the 12th day after fertilization lasts: The pregnant women report a pulling in the abdomen, similar to the beginning of a menstrual period. The triggers are the enlargement of the uterus and the increased blood flow in the abdomen. Increased discharge is also a sign that new life is growing in over half of all pregnancy cases.

Pregnancy: first signs

The absence of menstruation is usually the first sign of pregnancy. Other clearly noticeable symptoms of pregnancy can be seen in 70 to 80 percent of all women in the area of ​​the breasts: These become more sensitive to the touch, larger and firmer and feel tense. Often the nipples change their shape, become larger and - due to increased pigmentation - darker. These may also be the first signs that you are pregnant. Such early signs of pregnancy can show up as early as the first week after conception.

Pregnancy: symptoms in the nose and mouth

If you suddenly become sensitive to smell and can no longer smell things that you have always found pleasant or at least not bothersome, this can also be a sign of pregnancy. For example, some pregnant women can no longer stand the smell of freshly made coffee or the aroma of alcohol or cheese or the smell of raw meat.

Common sign of pregnancy: cravings

But the opposite is also possible during pregnancy: symptoms such as cravings and a strong appetite for sweets are not uncommon. In connection with a generally increased appetite, these are normal symptoms of pregnancy, because the body now has an increased need for energy, which should be covered by more food.

Nausea and vomiting as unpleasant symptoms

Unfortunately, pregnancy also brings morning sickness and possibly vomiting in 50 to 70 percent of all women. Responsible for this is the hormonal change with the pregnancy hormone beta-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). It starts immediately after fertilization in order to adapt the body to the requirements of pregnancy.

Frequent need to urinate

An increased urge to urinate is also a sign of pregnancy in more than 50 percent of all women. It is caused by increased blood flow to the abdomen after the fertilized egg cell has implanted. The pregnancy hormone progesterone also relaxes the bladder muscles, which increases the urge to urinate.

Pregnancy: symptoms in the psychological area

Have you been very sensitive to everything that is going on around you lately, to every supposedly wrong word? Are you sometimes down and sad, but then again full of high emotions? Such emotional roller coaster rides are the first signs of many expectant mothers. Pregnancy confuses a lot in the body and mind.

Other possible signs of pregnancy

There are other, more annoying changes that show: You may be pregnant! Symptoms such as tiredness and dizziness are among them. The body has to work hard during pregnancy. An increased amount of blood is necessary for the build-up of the placenta; the blood plasma (the liquid portion of the blood) increases by about half, which leads to a thinning of the blood. This can make you more tired and pale, and your blood pressure can drop a little at first, which can make you dizzy.

Varicose veins and dilated vessels in the face, nail bed and genital area may also signal: You are pregnant! Signs of this kind are based on increased blood flow and a decrease in vascular tension.

As another possible sign of pregnancy, the pulse is strong and clearly noticeable to the fingertips.

Signs of pregnancy? Test and doctor bring certainty

If you notice any of the above changes, a pregnancy test and a visit to the gynecologist should be the next step to clarify. Because behind these possible signs of pregnancy there can also be other causes than a child growing in the belly.

Tags:  unfulfilled wish to have children first aid Baby Child 

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