How long to breastfeed?

and Sabine Schrör, medical journalist Updated on

Nicole Wendler holds a PhD in biology in the field of oncology and immunology. As a medical editor, author and proofreader, she works for various publishers, for whom she presents complex and extensive medical issues in a simple, concise and logical manner.

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Sabine Schrör is a freelance writer for the medical team. She studied business administration and public relations in Cologne. As a freelance editor, she has been at home in a wide variety of industries for more than 15 years. Health is one of her favorite subjects.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

How long it makes sense to breastfeed depends on the health of the mother and child and the life situation of the mother. According to the World Health Organization, women should exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first six months (i.e. fully breastfeed). You can read here how long it is good for the baby to drink from the mother's breast, whether long-term breastfeeding is harmful and what the consequences of a shorter breastfeeding period are.

How long breastfeeding: duration and frequency

After the baby's first attempts to suckle shortly after birth, most mothers manage to fully breastfeed for the recommended first six months. However, some women struggle with it and last less long. Experts believe that children also benefit from shorter breastfeeding times.

Even partial breastfeeding, i.e. the combination of the administration of purchased baby food and breastfeeding, is better than not breastfeeding at all.

Some mothers even enjoy breastfeeding and being close to their child so much that they opt for long-term breastfeeding - in other words, extending the duration of breastfeeding to several years. Ultimately, how long breastfeeding is an option for a mother remains a personal decision.

Regardless of whether and for how long breastfeeding is practiced - it always applies that the mother should feel good about it. Women who find breastfeeding or physical dependence uncomfortable or who are not allowed to breastfeed for health reasons need not despair. The baby milk sold in this country is subject to strict controls and contains all vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are important for the child's healthy development.

How long do you breastfeed fully?

The recommendation as to when women should fully breastfeed has changed several times over time. In addition, the health and living conditions of mother and child influence the decision to breastfeed. The question of how long you should breastfeed cannot therefore be answered across the board. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommends exclusively breastfeeding for the first six months and then gradually switching to porridge food, provided there are no health restrictions.

To protect against later allergies, it seems sufficient if babies are fully breastfed for the first four months. Complementary foods from the beginning of the fifth month could even reduce the risk of allergies for these children.

In general, complementary foods should be added to the child's menu from the 5th month at the earliest and no later than the beginning of the 7th month of life. The breastfeeding meals will then be gradually replaced by age-appropriate solid foods. This is important because otherwise the growing child could be threatened with an undersupply and nutrient deficiency with health problems. Up to the age of two years or longer, the child may continue to drink from the breast in between, which midwives expressly recommend.

Long-term breastfeeding

How long breastfeeding brings joy to mother and child varies from person to person. Some mothers find it difficult to give up the closeness and intimacy they have come to love and want to leave it up to the child how long they want their breasts. Sometimes such women breastfeed for several years and - if they have more offspring - even several children at the same time.

The meaning and benefits of long-term breastfeeding is discussed in specialist circles. Some experts claim it is good for mental development and improves intelligence; others speculate that it is more for the mother's good.

So the question of how long breastfeeding makes sense over several years is debatable. But real disadvantages of long-term breastfeeding have not yet been proven. In principle, you can breastfeed as you see fit, no matter how long.

Breastfeeding - at some point it's over

Regardless of how long you and your child enjoy breastfeeding - at some point this phase will come to an end. Independence and learning new skills (such as eating solid foods) are important for the child's self-esteem and should therefore be encouraged. And if you find it difficult to end the intimate breastfeeding phase, consider: No matter how long breastfeeding has been practiced, love and attachment to your child will continue!

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