Amsler grid

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The Amsler grid serves as a simple test for the early detection of whether the so-called yellow spot (macula) on the retina is still intact. If this is not the case, one speaks of macular degeneration. This manifests itself in failures in the central field of vision and a distorted image perception. Read here what the Amsler grid is all about and how the Amsler test works.

What do you do with the Amsler grid test?

The Amsler grid is a very simple diagnostic tool: it only consists of a square, fine-meshed grid with black lines on a white background. There is a black point in the middle of the grid. The ophthalmologist puts the Amsler grid in front of the patient at a distance of 30 to 40 centimeters and asks him to cover one eye with his hand. In the case of younger children, the parents do this to ensure that the eye is really "closed" and cannot compensate for any weakness in the other eye.

The patient should now fix the point in the middle of the Amsler grid with the open eye. If the "yellow spot" is intact, the point and lines remain unchanged. To check this, the doctor can ask the patient the following questions:

  • Do you see the point in the middle?
  • Does the point in the middle appear out of focus? Are some of the lines out of focus?
  • When you fix the center point, do you see all corners and sides of the large grid square?
  • Do you see holes in the black lines?
  • Are all the lines straight and parallel and are the little squares even?
  • Do you see colors, shades or movements such as waves in the picture? (Deformation) If so, how many squares are there between this area and the center point?

Then the eye is changed and the Amsler test is repeated.

With these simple questions, the doctor can identify visual field defects that occur early on when the yellow spot is destroyed. If the patient detects changes (deformations) in a part of the Amsler grid, the doctor can assess the extent of the disease based on the distance between the center and the deformation in the Amsler grid.

The "yellow spot" (macula) is the point of sharpest vision in the eye.

Self-test with the Amsler grid

Since the Amsler test is easy to carry out and does not involve any dangers or side effects, you can easily do it at home for self-examination. You can obtain an Amsler grid, for example, from your ophthalmologist upon request. You can also download free templates from the Internet if you suspect macular degeneration.

Please keep in mind, however, that visual disturbances in the Amsler grid do not only show up if the "yellow spot" is damaged (i.e. macular degeneration is present). Other diseases of the retina can also lead to abnormalities in the Amsler test. You should therefore always consult your ophthalmologist if you have noticed a visual impairment in your self-test.

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