Onion sachets

Martina Feichter studied biology with an elective subject pharmacy in Innsbruck and also immersed herself in the world of medicinal plants. From there it was not far to other medical topics that still captivate her to this day. She trained as a journalist at the Axel Springer Academy in Hamburg and has been working for since 2007 - first as an editor and since 2012 as a freelance writer.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Onion sachets are a tried and tested home remedy for earache. The warm ear wrap can relieve the discomfort of young and old. The combination of heat and various ingredients of the onion has proven to be effective. These include, for example, various sulfur compounds. Among other things, they give the plant its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Read more about the use of the onion sachet against earache here!

What is an onion sachet?

An onion bag (onion wrap) consists of a cloth or a cloth bag in which a finely chopped onion is wrapped. It is warmed up before use.

How does the onion sachet work?

There is a good reason why many people reach for onions when they have earache: A warmed onion bag on the ear can relieve pain, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and decongestant effects. Many people find the warmth in itself to be pain-relieving.

What ingredients do you need for this?

If you want to make an onion bag, you need a kitchen onion and a thin cloth (e.g. cotton handkerchief, cotton sock) or cloth bag:

  • First you need to peel the onion, cut it into small pieces and mash it a little. This releases the active ingredients contained in the cells.
  • Wrap the onion pieces in the cloth and roll or fold it up so that nothing can fall out. Alternatively, you can also use a cloth bag or a cotton sock.

In the next step, the onion sachet is heated. This promotes the release of the onion's ingredients. There are various options for heating:

You can place the onion envelope between two hot water bottles, for example, or heat it over steam or in the microwave. Some people also dip it in boiling water for about two minutes. Then you have to squeeze out the onion wrap before using it again.

Another way to make warmed onion wraps for ears: sauté the finely chopped onion in a pan before placing it in the cloth bag.

Caution: No matter how you heat the onion bag - it must not be too hot when you place it on your ear. Otherwise there is a risk of burns! Therefore, check the temperature of the sachet beforehand (e.g. on the inside of the forearm). In particular, a sachet that contains steamed onions or that has been warmed up in boiling water usually has to be left to cool down a little before placing it on the table.

How is an onion sachet used?

  • Place the warmed onion bag on your ear so that the bone behind the ear (mastoid bone) is also covered.
  • Secure the onion wrap with a hat or headband.
  • You can also tie a terry towel around your head or yourself or your patient. Then the onion sachet will stay warm longer.
  • You can leave the onion wrap on your ear for one to two hours or as long as it is comfortable. A baby onion bag should be left on for half an hour to a full hour.
  • If necessary, you can also apply a shredded, warmed onion two to three times a day for earache. Make a fresh onion sachet every time.

What ailments does the onion sachet help with?

Empirical medicine uses the onion wrap for earache in many cases with great success: In the case of otitis media, the onion - in the form of a warmed onion sac - can often effectively relieve the pain. Even if this application has not yet been scientifically recognized, it is still recommended by many doctors as a home remedy.

By the way: some people don't put a bag of onion on their ear, but a bag of dried chamomile flowers. You can find out more about the effects of this medicinal plant and the manufacture of a chamomile sachet in the article Chamomile.

When is the onion sachet not advised?

Some patients find warmth uncomfortable when they have an earache. Then you should not put a warm onion bag on your ear (and also avoid other forms of heat application such as red light radiation). Instead, you can put the onion sachet on top and fix it in place without heating. The blood circulation makes it a little warmer by itself, so that the active ingredients are better released.

Home remedies have their limits. If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time and do not get better or even worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.

Tags:  interview toadstool poison plants home remedies 

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