Inflammation of the gastric mucosa: nutrition

Mareike Müller is a freelance writer in the medical department and assistant doctor for neurosurgery in Düsseldorf. She studied human medicine in Magdeburg and gained a lot of practical medical experience during her stays abroad on four different continents.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

In addition to other influences, nutrition plays an important role in gastric mucosal inflammation. Some foods and stimulants such as alcohol and coffee are rather unfavorable, while others are considered recommended ingredients in a diet for gastritis. Those affected should take this into account when creating their menu. Find out everything you need to know about gastric mucosal inflammation & nutrition and what the right diet for gastritis looks like!

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. K29K52

Inflammation of the stomach lining: diet that harms

“What to eat when there is inflammation of the gastric mucosa?” Many patients ask themselves this question. Rightly so, because some foods can (additionally) irritate the stomach lining. These include, for example, strongly spiced dishes as well as very cold and hot foods and drinks. Citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol and tobacco also damage the stomach lining. You should avoid this if possible with gastritis. The same goes for high-fat, low-fiber foods.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa: a diet that is good for you

When it comes to gastritis & nutrition, the main thing is not to further irritate the gastric mucosa, if possible. Many patients with acute gastric mucosal inflammation therefore do not eat anything for the first one or two days. During the fast, however, you should drink enough fluids, for example in the form of anti-inflammatory chamomile tea. Broth is also recommended. It provides the body with important electrolytes.

By temporarily avoiding a diet in the case of gastric mucosal inflammation, your stomach can initially calm down and you give it the opportunity to heal itself. Then start with a light diet.

Bland food for gastric mucosal inflammation: what to eat?

A light diet is recommended for gastritis. If you have fasted first, you should start eating again with a light diet consisting of gruel, rusks and tea, for example. Rice, white bread, mashed potatoes, cooked lean meat, fish and easily digestible vegetables are also suitable. When cooking, make sure that the food is prepared with a low fat content.

You can then gradually add other foods to your menu, for example low-fat dairy products, low-fat pastries (such as biscuits, yeast pastries), light casseroles and puddings.

The supplementary diet then changes to the light diet (light whole diet). It corresponds to a wholesome, balanced diet that provides the body with sufficient nutrients. It differs from the "normal" whole food only in that food and drinks are avoided, which experience has shown to cause intolerance in the case of gastric mucosal inflammation. There are individual differences - what one patient cannot tolerate, another can easily consume. So pay attention to which foods and drinks you do not tolerate so well and avoid them.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa: rules of nutrition

If you have gastritis, it is better to eat five small meals throughout the day than a few large meals. This is gentle on the stomach lining and does not overload the stomach. Prepare your food in a stomach-friendly way, i.e. by steaming, boiling or blanching.

Try to eat your meals slowly and in a relaxed atmosphere. To do this, sit at a dining table, chew every bite well and avoid other activities such as reading or watching TV while you are eating. You should actually heed that in general - not only in the case of gastric mucosal inflammation. Nutrition is vital and influences our well-being and health in many ways. Therefore, you should always pay full attention to your meals.

Tags:  Menstruation dental care elderly care 

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