Perenterol forte

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Perenterol forte is a drug from the group of probiotic gastrointestinal therapeutics. It is used for the treatment of acute diarrhea, for the prophylaxis of travelers' diarrhea and for concomitant therapy for acne. Here you can find all the important information about the drug Perenterol forte.

This active ingredient is in Perenterol forte

Saccaromyces boulardii belongs to the group of medicinal dry yeasts and is the active ingredient in Perenterol forte. Living yeasts can bind bacterial toxins, which are responsible for diarrhea (secretory diarrhea), and excrete them through the intestines. Furthermore, Perenterol forte has a growth-inhibiting effect on bacteria, so that they can multiply less quickly and the toxins released are reduced.

When is Perenterol forte used?

The drug is suitable for use in the case of secretory diarrhea, which is mostly caused by bacteria.

Typical areas of application for Perenterol forte are:

  • acute diarrhea
  • Prophylaxis of travelers' diarrhea
  • Accompanying acne treatment

What side effects does Perenterol forte have?

The Perenterol-forte active ingredient is almost free of side effects. Occasionally, flatulence may occur, but this disappears quickly when the drug is discontinued. In addition, skin reactions such as redness, swelling, hives or itching can occur.

If severe side effects such as allergic skin reactions occur during treatment with Perenterol forte, a doctor must be consulted immediately.

You should bear this in mind when using Perenterol forte

The usual dosage of Perenterol forte capsules is 250 mg. For children over two years of age and adults, the usual dose is one to two capsules per day. To prevent traveler's diarrhea, therapy with Perenterol forte should start five days before departure.

To treat acne, one capsule of the drug is taken three times a day.

If an allergy to the active ingredient or other ingredients is known, the drug must not be taken. Patients with a life-threatening underlying disease and severely weakened immune system should not receive the drug. The yeast can get into the bloodstream and possibly cause fungal infections.

With one exception, there are no known interactions with other drugs. Only the simultaneous use of antibiotics against fungal diseases (mycotics) can reduce the effectiveness of Perenterol forte.

Children, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Since the drug does not contain opioids, it is also suitable for use in children from two years of age. For infants and toddlers under two years of age, however, a doctor should be consulted beforehand.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug should only be administered after a doctor has carefully weighed the risks and benefits. There are currently no studies that prove that Perenterol forte is harmless to the child.

How to get Perenterol forte

Perenterol forte is available without a prescription in all pharmacies.

Complete information on this drug

Here you can find the complete information about the drug as a download (PDF)

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