Ten tricks to help you grow old healthily

Ingrid Müller is a chemist and medical journalist. She was editor-in-chief of for twelve years. Since March 2014 she has been working as a freelance journalist and author for, among others, Focus Gesundheit, the health portal ellviva.de, the publishing house living crossmedia and the health channel of rtv.de.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Most people would like to get really old - but only in the best of health, of course! In order to achieve this, there are a number of factors that you can consciously influence. Find out here the ten tricks you can use to prevent the ravages of time from gnawing at you too quickly.

1. Eat healthy, drink enough!

Fish, fruit and vegetables should be piled in large quantities on your plate. The green stuff contains phytochemicals and fiber as well as a lot of vitamins. In the case of meat, on the other hand, it is important to exercise genteel restraint.

Pay attention to your fat consumption and the type of fat. Unsaturated fatty acids (meat, sausage) are not recommended; monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fatty acids are good. They are found in olive, rapeseed or linseed oil, but also in fatty sea fish such as salmon or mackerel. And drink enough - preferably low-calorie.

2. Get off the sofa!

Exercise can turn you into a Methuselah. It strengthens the heart and circulation, revs up the immune system and boosts the metabolism. Endurance training such as cycling, swimming, Nordic walking or even dancing is good. You can also view sex as a sport - it brightens the mind and lowers the level of stress.

3. Exercise your head

Try to keep your mind in good shape. Your gray matter shouldn't get bored. Keep your head busy with games, crossword puzzles, language courses and as many new impressions as possible. The important thing is: stay curious!

4. Get rid of stress!

Make sure that stress doesn't bother you - it can make you sick. The immune system is less able to fend off intruders, and too much negative stress can damage the heart.Relaxation techniques such as yoga, autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation are helpful.

5. Stay sociable

Maintain friendships! Humans are by nature a social being and don't really like solitude. Those who are sociable and have a lot of friends feel better, keep their brain flexible and prevent dementia.

6. Get rid of nicotine, drink alcohol in moderation!

Smoking definitely shortens life. The glow stems can cause cancer, lung and cardiovascular diseases. Researchers have calculated that smokers live around ten years less. It is never too late to quit - even long-term smokers can benefit from their health. The following applies to alcohol: drink in moderation! The ingredients in red wine even protect your heart.

7. Get (stay) slim!

Obesity increases the risk of a number of diseases, such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and orthopedic problems. Too many pounds affect the life span - it can cost up to seven years, researchers recently calculated. If you are too fat, try to lose a few pounds - this is best achieved with a healthy, balanced diet and exercise.

8. Go to precaution!

It is well known that men are real precautionary grudges. But: The earlier diseases are discovered, the sooner they can be cured and the better the prognosis. This is especially true for certain types of cancer (prostate or breast cancer), but also for diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels. So: go to the doctor too regularly!

9. Take care of your teeth!

Bad teeth are not just an aesthetic problem. They can affect the whole body. Inflammation of the gums (periodontitis) is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. So brush your biters regularly and have the dentist check the chewing tools regularly!

10. Sleep well!

Short nights and poor sleep are poisonous for the body. Seven to eight hours of sleep a day improve performance. Those who sleep too short also have a higher risk of obesity and diabetes.

Tags:  Menstruation smoking sex partnership 

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