Fever in children

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What is fever

Healthy children have a body temperature between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius (° C). The temperature is increased at values ​​between 37.6 and 38.5 ° C. Doctors then speak of fever in children from 38.5 ° C. A child has a high fever from a temperature of 39 ° C. At temperatures of more than 41.5 degrees it becomes life-threatening because the body's own proteins are destroyed.

However, fever is not a disease, but a protective reaction. With the increase in temperature, the body mobilizes its defenses to combat unwanted pathogens. Because bacteria and viruses do not like high body temperatures, they can then reproduce more poorly.

A fever in children can be recognized by the fact that the face is red and hot, but the skin is pale and cool. Some children appear absent and sleepy, others get whimpered or do not want to eat.

How do you measure a fever?

There are various methods of measuring a fever: Measurements in the armpit or in the ear are less accurate, i.e. about 0.5 degrees lower than the actual core body temperature. This is because the skin's natural heat protection falsifies the measurement somewhat. It will be more precise if you measure the temperature of your child in their mouth or - even better - in the anus.

When and why should the fever be treated?

Since a fever is a natural defense mechanism of the body, you should not take measures to reduce it immediately.

If possible, fever in children should only be treated with antipyretic agents from a temperature of more than 39 ° C (measured in the buttocks) and in exceptional cases (e.g. if the child suffers a lot from the fever and seems increasingly exhausted).

Babies who have a high fever are usually tired, exhausted and generally feel ill. After taking fever-lowering measures, they usually feel much better. In addition, there is a risk of febrile seizures in small children, which is why an early reduction in fever is recommended, especially for children at risk. As a general rule, if a child is less than three months old, parents should consult a doctor at a temperature of 38 ° C and discuss measures to reduce fever.

How can you lower the fever?

There are two ways in which the fever can be reduced: non-drug measures and antipyretic drugs.

Non-drug measures:

Children with a fever should not be dressed (too) warmly or covered. Clothes that are too warm do not let the heat escape. Thin clothing - such as a light T-shirt and a sheet to cover - is usually sufficient.

Calf wraps can also provide cooling for warm legs: Dip cotton towels in lukewarm water (around 20 degrees, i.e. a few degrees cooler than the child's body temperature), gently wring them out and then wrap them around the child's calves. Then put a dry cloth around each calf and a woolen cloth over it. The evaporation of water provides cooling and increased heat dissipation. Leave the calf compresses on until they are warm to the touch (this takes about 15 to 20 minutes), then remove them. As soon as the calves have warmed up, you can do another wrap.

The child should drink a lot (tea, juice, water), preferably something every half an hour.

Give him easily digestible foods such as compote. If they don't like to eat, don't force them to.

Make sure that the child is resting (bed rest), even when the fever has fallen and the little patient wants to play. Make sure the child takes frequent breaks.

Check the temperature regularly, especially if the child is young or has a high fever. But you shouldn't wake it up to do this.

Treatment with medication:

Antipyretic drugs for children are available in the form of juice, suppositories, drops, and tablets. Mostly they also have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (e.g. ibuprofen). Give antipyretic medication to your child as directed by a doctor.

Warning: Never give acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) to young children! This pain reliever and fever medication can cause a rare liver-brain disease called Reye's syndrome, which can be fatal.

Tags:  interview laboratory values drugs 

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