Help with three-month colic

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Three-month colic occurs mainly during the first three months of life: the babies cry a lot and violently and are sometimes very restless. As the exact causes for this are not yet known, no specific treatment is possible. But there are a few tips that can help the baby cribs.

In general, every baby is different. So it is up to you as a parent to find out which tips will really give your baby relief.

What should you watch out for when feeding?

  • Don't let your baby drink too quickly. It swallows a lot of air as a result. This can cause gas and stomach pain.
  • For some children, an upright sitting position while drinking can help them swallow less air and burp more often.
  • Belching after a meal or in between is important. Some babies need a little patience before the air can escape.
  • When bottle feeding, use a small nipple hole. The baby takes longer to empty the bottle, but does not swallow as much air.
  • When preparing the bottle, make sure that there is no foam. Do not feed the foam leftovers from the bottle.
  • It helps some babies if they have frequent small meals.
  • Sometimes screaming after a meal can also be an expression of hunger. Babies often want to drink more in the evening in order to be able to sleep in peace throughout the night. Bottle-fed babies have no restriction on the amount they can drink. If necessary, spit out the "too much" after the meal. When breastfeeding your baby, keep in mind that your milk supply naturally decreases in the evening. Rest your baby more often and try to increase your milk supply in the evening through more rest, less physical activity during the day, good and plentiful food and drink.

What tips will help breastfeeding babies?

  • When breastfeeding your baby, make sure that the child puts the nipple completely in their mouth and is in the correct breastfeeding position (stomach to stomach).
  • Sensitive breastfeeding children in particular often react sensitively when the mother has eaten or drank something specific (e.g. orange juice, apples, plums, cabbage vegetables, legumes, onions, yeast baked goods, chocolate or coffee). You have to find out for yourself what your baby reacts to with symptoms: Avoid a certain food or drink for a few days to see whether your breastfeeding child is better. If not, you can continue to use the product in question. Then try to leave out another food - this may bring the desired result.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol.

If none of these measures help your baby cry, you can, in consultation with your doctor, try not to consume cow's milk products for a week. In rare cases, your baby's colic is caused by a cow's milk protein intolerance or allergy. Also watch out for hidden cow's milk additives in the form of milk powder or whey in sauces, desserts or the like.

What other behavior will help your baby?

  • Avoid overexciting your baby during the day. Consciously insert quiet days again and again, without hectic, noise and major changes or activities. This will help your baby to calm down and fall asleep better in the evening.
  • With a clockwise stomach massage and some baby oil or wind ointment, you can help relieve existing gas.
  • Soft, quiet music or auditions during and after feeding calms you down.
  • Always respond to the screaming during those first few months. You don't spoil your baby with it. When your baby cries, he or she is asking for your help, attention, or understanding. Maybe it's just about a little cuddling. Babies who are responded to when they cry get the comforting feeling that someone is always there for them. It gives them stability and strengthens their self-confidence. You don't always have to pick up your crying baby right away - sometimes it is enough for them to feel your closeness or hear your soothing voice.
  • However, if your baby cries incessantly even though he is fed, dry, and healthy, it is perfectly fine if you leave him to his father or a friend as well, or if you let him cry for at least a short time. You also have to think about yourself and spare your nerves. If you take a break every now and then, you will be calmer and more patient with your baby again.
  • Show your baby a clear separation of day and night. It then learns that there are no more distractions or playing in the evening and that it is bedtime. Turn off the radio and television, darken the rooms and let the day end. When dad comes home in the evening, there should be no more hectic before going to bed.
  • Sometimes it helps to carry the baby around, especially if you lay them on their tummy on your forearm or rock them back and forth. But do not be discouraged, because with many babies the success is short-term or does not appear in the first place. Also, avoid being carried around for hours, it certainly won't help you or your baby. Instead, you can put it in a springy hanging basket or in the stroller and rock it to sleep.
  • Warning: Never shake your baby to "wake up" and stop crying. Otherwise you can cause severe cerebral haemorrhage to the child (shaking trauma).

No matter how hard these first “crying months” may be, you should definitely remember that three-month colic is harmless and harmless for the baby. Time works for you and your baby: The three-month colic usually ends all of a sudden by itself at the age of three to five months. Until then, don't forget to take care of yourself too.

Tags:  diet first aid desire to have children 

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