Mouse arm

and Sabine Schrör, medical journalist

Sophie Matzik is a freelance writer for the medical team.

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Sabine Schrör is a freelance writer for the medical team. She studied business administration and public relations in Cologne. As a freelance editor, she has been at home in a wide variety of industries for more than 15 years. Health is one of her favorite subjects.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

The mouse arm or RSI syndrome (Repetitive Strain Injury Syndrome) is a diverse range of symptoms affecting the hand, arm, shoulder and neck region. The cause of a mouse arm is usually a chronic overstrain or improper strain on the arm. Mouse arm symptoms can include abnormal sensation, tingling, numbness, or pain. A complete cure is usually no longer possible in the case of a chronic mouse arm. Read everything you need to know about the mouse arm here.

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. M77

Mouse arm: description

The mouse arm is a relatively unknown disease in Germany. The hand and arm are primarily affected, but also the shoulder and neck. In the English-speaking world, the mouse arm is also known as "RSI syndrome" and is recognized as an occupational disease in the USA, for example. RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury, in English: "an injury caused by repeated stress". The cause of the syndrome is therefore a chronic overload and improper stress. The term “syndrome” already indicates that several symptoms can occur at the same time. Parasitic sensations, muscle weakness and, above all, pain are typical of a mouse arm.

A mouse arm can affect people of all ages. About 60 percent of all people who sit at the computer for more than three hours a day complain of complaints. Colloquially, the RSI syndrome is therefore also referred to as "secretary's disease". Often people with other problems, such as metabolic disorders, are affected earlier and after less stress than otherwise healthy people.

It is not known how many people in Germany have a mouse arm. Doctors believe, however, that it is a very common disease. Technological developments such as the introduction of computers, cell phones and other small electronic devices (Playstation, Gameboy, etc.) have dramatically increased the monotonous strain on arms and hands in large parts of the population.

Mouse arm: symptoms

A mouse arm (RSI syndrome) manifests itself in a number of different complaints in the upper half of the body. The neck, shoulders, arms and hands are particularly affected. Contrary to the name, a mouse arm does not only appear in the area of ​​the arm.

In the early stages of the disease, those affected notice symptoms such as tingling and abnormal sensations in the affected part of the body. In addition, there may be a decrease in strength in the affected muscle areas. At an early stage, symptoms of a mouse arm only show up after prolonged exposure. In addition, the symptoms usually subside quickly in this stage of the disease as soon as the person concerned takes care of himself.

If the causal burden persists, coordination difficulties in the arms, hands and fingers will develop over time. The joints of the hand, elbow, shoulder and neck can stiffen. At a later stage, pain occurs repeatedly in the affected part of the body. Low stress is often enough to trigger the symptoms. In the later stages, the symptoms can persist despite physical restraint.

Mouse arm: causes and risk factors

A mouse arm occurs when the arm muscles are subjected to severe, chronic overstrain and improper strain. The RSI syndrome mainly occurs in people who work a lot with their hands at work. Technological progress has led to a particular increase in RSI syndrome cases, as more and more people work long hours with the computer every day. Text processors and graphic artists in particular are often affected by a mouse arm. Repetitive movements such as typing or mouse clicks can cause RSI syndrome.

Individual risk factors

Certain individual factors have a decisive influence on the development of a mouse arm: These primarily include chronic stress and a high workload. An unhealthy posture (curved back, tense neck area, static posture) also promotes the development of the RSI syndrome. A workplace that is not set up according to ergonomic criteria is the main cause of poor posture for many people and thus of the mouse arm.

Doctors also assume that a reduced perception of signals from one's own body increases the development of a mouse arm. If pain is deliberately suppressed or the perception of pain is unconsciously suppressed, this leads to greater stress on the arms. As the body's natural protection against excessive stress is no longer available, chronic irritation occurs more quickly.

Changes in the brain perpetuate pain

Apparently not only chronic physical overload, but also complex processing mechanisms in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) contribute to a mouse arm. First of all, the chronic stress leads to irritation of muscles, ligaments and surrounding tissue. This chronic pain stimulus leads to a change in pain perception in the spinal cord, where the signals are processed. Even if the stress causing the pain no longer exists, the pain can still be felt.

Another effect is likely to play a role: Scientists believe that the constant repetition of certain movements is subconsciously linked to specific stimuli such as a mouse click or looking at the screen. If movement and stimulus have been associated with pain often enough, a pain signal is reported in the brain every time muscles, ligaments and joints were actually not overstrained by the movement.

Mouse arm: examinations and diagnosis

If you regularly suffer from pain or abnormal sensations in your arms, your family doctor or an orthopedic surgeon is the right contact. However, not all doctors in Germany are familiar with the mouse arm. If necessary, you should therefore consult a doctor who has demonstrably dealt with the topic, for example by writing publications on it.

In the case of a mouse arm, the diagnosis is mainly made on the basis of the medical history (anamnesis). The anamnesis interview is therefore particularly important. You should report any changes you have noticed to the doctor. Above all, it is important to report when and in what intensity the pain occurs. The doctor then asks various questions such as:

  • Where, when and how often do the complaints occur?
  • How long have the complaints existed?
  • What do you do for a living and how many hours do you work on average per day?
  • Do you also have similar abnormal sensations in other parts of the body?

A physical examination will be carried out following the anamnesis. The doctor feels the painful region and checks whether he can trigger or intensify the pain with pressure. It also tests the mobility of the adjacent joints and the strength of the muscles.

Various function tests can provide additional information about the type of disease: Especially at an advanced stage, a measurement of the nerve conduction velocity (NLG) is often carried out. With this, the RSI syndrome can be differentiated from the carpal tunnel syndrome, in which typically a decreased nerve conduction speed of a certain nerve in the forearm and hand is noticeable.

Imaging methods give no indication of a mouse arm, since no anatomical changes can be detected in a mouse arm. Such recordings are made, for example, when affected persons have suffered from other injuries in the same region of the body in the past. Then there is the possibility that the healing of this injury did not go completely or correctly and that the current symptoms are due to previous damage.

Mouse arm: treatment

When treating the mouse arm, different treatment methods can be considered depending on the severity and duration of the pain. The most important therapy for a mouse arm is a change in working conditions. Doctors speak of exposure prophylaxis. Physical medicine methods and drugs can also help relieve mouse arm symptoms. People with chronic mouse arms, in particular, can also benefit from psychotherapeutic treatment.

Bend the mouse arm forward

When doing predominantly sedentary activities, it is important that you sit straight and comfortably. The neck, shoulders and arms should be as relaxed as possible. Also, avoid drafts and cold hands when working on the computer for long periods of time. It is best to practice new movement patterns in the workplace. These should be kept permanently in the future in order to avoid a relapse. In addition, the workplace should be set up according to ergonomic principles. In an office workplace, emphasis should be placed on an ergonomically optimized seat and an ergonomically shaped keyboard and mouse.

During regular breaks from work, you should do exercises to relax the muscles and joints of a mouse arm.A simple exercise, for example, is to clench a fist and slowly open it again with fingers bent at first and then stretched at the very end. Equally effective are exercises in which you press your hands against each other or against the wall and bend your wrists. You should also stretch your head and neck regularly to relieve tension. To do this, tilt your head in different directions and hold each position for a few seconds. Shaking out the arms and regularly rotating and stretching the upper body also help with a mouse arm. Exercises like these can be flexibly integrated into your day-to-day work. There is no set order. Each exercise can be repeated as often as you like.

Physical therapy measures

In addition to exposure prophylaxis, physical therapies are used to treat a mouse arm. These include heat and cold treatments with compresses, as well as gymnastics and massages. In many cases, exercise baths are also good. In doing so, you move the affected joints in warm water with certain medicinal additives. These help the muscles relax and reduce pain. Regular use of heat lamps (infrared lamps) also has a similar effect.

Medicinal measures

If those affected are severely affected by the pain, a mouse arm treatment can also be medicated. Painkillers (analgesics) can be taken to relieve the pain. The anti-inflammatory cortisone is also used occasionally. In general, drug pain therapy should not be viewed as a permanent solution for a mouse arm, as this is only a purely symptomatic treatment that does not eliminate the underlying causes.


Psychotherapy is also recommended, especially for chronic RSI syndrome. In this, the affected pain patient is explained, for example, the connection between the triggering factors, the processes in the brain and the pain that occurs. In the individual therapy sessions, options are then shown to deal with the pain and changed behaviors are practiced. This includes, for example, special relaxation methods and learning new thinking strategies.

Mouse arm: disease course and prognosis

The prognosis for a mouse arm depends primarily on the person affected. Basically, a mouse arm is a preventable clinical picture that can be positively influenced by correct behavior. If those affected take the symptoms seriously at an early stage of the disease, for example by trying to remedy responsible causes in the workplace and to protect the affected body part, the prognosis is usually good. In many cases, however, those affected do not see a doctor until they are at a chronic stage. At this point, treatment is more difficult and the prospect of a cure is much worse. In the worst case, a mouse arm affects the person affected so much that it is no longer possible to continue practicing the profession that has been learned.

Tags:  pregnancy therapies alternative medicine 

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