Poor concentration

Martina Feichter studied biology with an elective subject pharmacy in Innsbruck and also immersed herself in the world of medicinal plants. From there it was not far to other medical topics that still captivate her to this day. She trained as a journalist at the Axel Springer Academy in Hamburg and has been working for since 2007 - first as an editor and since 2012 as a freelance writer.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Everyone suffers from poor concentration from time to time. One then no longer succeeds in attending to something attentively and concentrating on it. The lack of concentration can have various causes. Read here what it can be and what can be done against poor concentration.

Brief overview

  • Causes: e.g. mental overload, sleep disorders, lack of nutrients, too little exercise, circulatory disorders, dementia, kidney weakness (kidney failure), anorexia, low blood pressure, hypothyroidism
  • Poor concentration in children: often recognizable by careless mistakes (e.g. in arithmetic problems) or easily distracted. Common causes are, for example, excessive demands, stress, food intolerance, ADHD or lack of muscle tension
  • What helps with poor concentration? Depending on the cause, e.g. regular rest breaks, regular sleep rhythm, more exercise, a balanced diet, relaxation techniques, treatment of an underlying disease (e.g. taking thyroid hormones in case of hypofunction)

Difficulty concentrating: causes and possible diseases

The terms poor concentration or concentration disorder describe the reduced ability of a person to deal with a certain task over a long period of time. Those who cannot concentrate properly are easily distracted by external stimuli and their thoughts quickly wander.

A lack of concentration can be temporary and harmless or indicate a serious illness. Possible causes of poor concentration are, for example:

  • Psychological overload: Professional and / or private excessive demands, severe stress and time pressure up to burnout are possible causes for concentration disorders. In the short term, tension can make you more efficient; in the long run, however, it depletes the body's own (concentration) reserves.
  • Lack of sleep or sleep disorders: Anyone who - for whatever reason - does not sleep enough has to struggle with poor concentration during the day. Because lack of sleep reduces, among other things, the activity of certain brain regions that control attention.
  • wrong or inadequate nutrition: the brain needs sufficient carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water in order to be able to work optimally. An irregular or insufficient intake of carbohydrates (e.g. in anorexia) causes blood sugar fluctuations. These can lead to a decline in performance and poor concentration. A deficiency in other nutrients such as B vitamins, iron or magnesium can also cause concentration problems.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: A lack of physical activity can lead to poor concentration. Because if you don't move, you deprive the body of an important opportunity for better blood circulation - and thus also the brain of a better supply of oxygen.
  • Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: Difficulty concentrating as well as motor and inner restlessness are common symptoms of withdrawal from the drug alcohol.
  • Impaired cerebral blood flow: A lack of concentration can also be triggered by a lack of oxygen and nutrients due to circulatory disorders in the brain. A common reason for this kind of insufficient blood supply to the brain is the "calcification" (arteriosclerosis) of cerebral vessels.
  • Dementia: Dementia diseases such as Alzheimer's are associated, among other things, with memory, orientation and concentration disorders, for example because the brain is no longer properly supplied with blood, brain cells die or protein is deposited in the brain.
  • Attention deficit disorder without (ADD) or with hyperactivity (ADHD): Not only children but also adults can suffer from ADD or ADHD. The disease is associated, among other things, with impaired concentration, as certain control circuits in the brain that, among other things, control attention, are disrupted.
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension): Difficulty concentrating are typical symptoms of hypotension because the blood flow to the brain is reduced. Likewise, lack of performance, tiredness, palpitations and cold hands and feet can indicate low blood pressure.
  • Other diseases and health disorders: poor concentration can occur as an accompanying symptom of various diseases and health disorders, such as hypothyroidism, kidney failure, depression and high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia)
  • Anti-cancer drugs: Drugs that inhibit cell growth, such as those administered in chemotherapy, can cause problems with thinking and concentration as a side effect. Doctors speak of the "chemobrain". The reason for this side effect is still unclear. Some drugs may damage certain brain cells, affect certain brain areas and activities, or hinder the production of certain hormones.

Difficulty concentrating: what helps?

In many cases you can do something about poor concentration yourself. The following general tips can help both children and adults:

  • Proper nutrition: Eat a balanced and varied diet to provide your brain with all the nutrients it needs. This prevents poor concentration due to malnutrition.
  • Drink enough: Drink around two liters of fluids a day. The best are water, mineral water and (unsweetened) tea. A “thirsty” brain cannot work optimally, which makes it difficult to concentrate.
  • Avoid vegetable remedies: Do not consume too much caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.
  • no sedatives or stimulants: Avoid such medications if possible.
  • Regular rest breaks: Make sure that your body and mind can recover from time to time - especially when stress and overwork are possible causes of poor concentration. For example, walks in the fresh air are recommended.
  • Healthy sleep: Make sure you get enough sleep to eliminate concentration problems or prevent them from occurring in the first place. If possible, stick to fixed sleeping and getting up times.
  • Relaxation techniques: Relaxation methods such as autogenic training, yoga or progressive muscle relaxation can help when there is a lot of stress and hectic everyday life as well as nervous-related sleep problems.
  • Media consumption in moderation: Limit media consumption (television, computer, smartphone, etc.) and excessive sound (stereo system, headphones, etc.). If the brain has to cope with too many external stimuli, it becomes increasingly difficult to concentrate.
  • Ear massage: You can also increase your concentration with an ear massage. To do this, knead the auricles vigorously with your fingertips for one minute. Then stroke the auricles towards the earlobes.
  • Breathing exercises: You should do the following exercise several times a day to improve concentration and reduce stress: Sit up straight and place your feet next to each other on the floor. Put your hands on your thighs, close your eyes and slowly inhale and exhale deeply several times.
  • Cross movements: They are also suitable for those with poor concentration because they encourage the left and right hemispheres to work together. For example, alternately bring the right elbow to the raised left knee and the left elbow to the raised right knee.
  • Medicinal plants: Extracts from the ginseng root, for example, are often used for states of exhaustion and slight concentration disorders in middle to old age. Ginkgo extracts are said to improve cerebral blood flow, which is why they are recommended against poor concentration due to Alzheimer's or insufficient cerebral blood flow.
  • Essential oils: An aroma lamp with a few drops of essential oils can also help against poor concentration. For example, lavender, bergamot and rosemary oils are suitable. However, caution is advised if you are prone to allergies!
  • Homeopathic remedies: Homeopathy also knows various remedies for concentration disorders, for example Avena sativa D3 (Poor performance and exhaustion), Kalium phosphoricum D6 (in case of forgetfulness) and Aethusa cynapium D6 (with poor concentration).

Difficulty concentrating in children

The possible causes of concentration disorders in children are basically the same as in adults. The most common reasons for the lack of concentration in sprouts are:

  • Overwork and stress: Often an overwork in school and family or too tight, overcrowded leisure planning without sufficient breaks is to blame for the poor concentration.
  • Psychological stress: Lack of sleep, stress and emotional imbalance are also possible causes of poor concentration in children. Stressful experiences that a child cannot easily put up with have a negative effect on concentration.
  • ADHD: If the lack of concentration is accompanied by impulsiveness and hyperactivity, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome) can be behind it. Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity (ADD) is less common, but it can also cause poor concentration.
  • Physical causes: There can also be physical causes behind concentration disorders in children, for example imbalances in the hormone or mineral balance, lack of exercise, flu, pneumonia, brain contusion, intolerance (e.g. to certain foods or chemicals) and environmental toxins.
  • Lack of muscle tension: Even insufficient muscle tension can cause a lack of concentration. For example, if a child has to make active efforts to sit upright at school, there is no longer enough energy left to concentrate on class.

Recognize poor concentration in children

A concentration disorder in children can be recognized when the offspring forgets many things, is easily distracted or often makes careless mistakes with schoolwork. Pediatricians sometimes recommend the following test: Talk to your child while they draw or write. If it then stops with this activity, this can be an indication of a lack of concentration. A fully concentrated child would not let the conversation distract him from what he was doing.

Difficulty concentrating: when to see a doctor?

If you find the lack of concentration extremely uncomfortable or even threatening, you should see a doctor. The same applies if the concentration disorders occur suddenly, cannot be explained (e.g. due to an unusually high level of stress) or worsen.

A frequent and inexplicable lack of concentration in children should also be clarified by a doctor.

Difficulty concentrating: what does the doctor do?

The doctor will first discuss the patient's medical history (anamnesis) in detail. A physical examination and possibly other examination methods can help to clarify an organic cause for the lack of concentration.

For example, the doctor can perform blood tests (for example if iron deficiency, kidney weakness or hypothyroidism is suspected) or blood pressure measurements (if low blood pressure is suspected) or use imaging tests (if atherosclerosis or dementia is suspected).

If there is an underlying disease behind the poor concentration, the doctor will treat it. This usually also improves the ability to concentrate.

Tags:  organ systems first aid Diagnosis 

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