Nail fungus laser

and Martina Feichter, medical editor and biologist

Sophie Matzik is a freelance writer for the medical team.

More about the experts

Martina Feichter studied biology with an elective subject pharmacy in Innsbruck and also immersed herself in the world of medicinal plants. From there it was not far to other medical topics that still captivate her to this day. She trained as a journalist at the Axel Springer Academy in Hamburg and has been working for since 2007 - first as an editor and since 2012 as a freelance writer.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Some doctors recommend laser irradiation for nail fungus: The treatment method is relatively new and expensive, but is considered to have few side effects. Read everything you need to know about nail fungus & lasers here!

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. B37B35

Nail fungus: laser as an alternative treatment

Stubborn as well as extensive nail fungus is often treated with tablets that contain antifungal agents (such as terbinafine). In some patients, however, this systemic treatment is not possible - either because the drugs must not be taken (e.g. terbinafine for liver dysfunction) or because they cause significant side effects. Then laser treatments are an alternative therapy option for nail fungus:

The use of lasers against nail fungus has been officially approved since 2010. Radiation with lasers, which break the nails and thus also destroy the nail fungus, has also existed before. However, this type of laser treatment is associated with similar complications as surgical nail removal (pain and risk of inflammation). The nail fungus laser treatment used today removes the fungi in a targeted manner and does not attack the nail substance.

Fungal nail lasers: which lasers help?

Various methods are currently being tested for how to laser nail fungus.

The so-called neodymium yag lasers have been studied best. There are several sub-forms of this, which differ mainly in their radiation quality. A rough division is made into long-pulsed lasers and short-pulsed lasers. Pulsed lasers do not emit the light continuously, but in small portions. Long-pulsed lasers use longer pulses, short-pulsed lasers correspondingly shorter ones in faster successive periods of time.

Short-pulsed lasers such as the pinpointe laser are primarily used for nail fungus. As an alternative, diode lasers or CO2 lasers and flash lamps are also used. The nail fungus laser destroys the fungi in the nails. How this works is still not entirely clear.

Laser complements local nail fungus treatment

Important for laser treatment: Nail fungus pathogens can exist in two different forms - as fully grown fungal cells and as spores. The latter are a kind of transitional form and extremely resistant. They survive greater heat than the fungal plexuses and can also tolerate dehydration well.

It is not yet known whether lasers have any effect on the spores. It is therefore not clear whether nail fungus lasers actually get rid of nail fungus or only reduce it. If you have a nail fungus lasered, you should also also carry out a local treatment with antifungal agents (such as antifungal nail polish).

Fungal Nail Laser: The Real Deal

Treatment with a nail fungus laser depends primarily on the severity of the symptoms. As a rule, a nail fungus laser treatment lasts a few months, with sessions taking place at intervals of one to four weeks. A session usually only lasts a few minutes. All affected nails are irradiated individually. The irradiation with the nail fungus laser is carried out by a doctor. A nail fungus laser treatment by medical podiatrists is not possible.

In the case of certain diseases, laser therapy for nail fungus must not be carried out. These include, for example, diabetes mellitus and vascular diseases.

Nail Fungus Laser: Side Effects?

The nail fungus laser does not hurt. However, a feeling of warmth, tingling or a slight stinging may occur in the irradiated region. However, these feelings are only described as "uncomfortable". They will go away when the nail laser treatment is over. If carried out correctly, the treatment is considered to have few side effects.

Fungal Nail Laser: Expensive Treatment

The equipment for and therefore the application of a nail fungus laser is expensive. In addition, its effectiveness has not yet been clearly scientifically proven. For this reason, only a few dermatological practices have offered nail fungus laser treatment in Germany so far. The statutory health insurances do not cover the costs of the treatment. Private insurers require proof that the nail fungus laser is medically necessary.

Tags:  vaccinations Diagnosis home remedies 

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