Eye drops make it possible to see in the dark

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MunichPeople can actually see well. Only at night does his mind fail him. At least so far, because researchers have developed eye drops that remedy this shortcoming - even if only temporarily.

The ingredient that makes a science fiction dream come true is called chlorin e6. It is actually a component of chlorophyll - the power stations in plant cells that convert light into energy. But the research group that calls itself "Science for the Masses" has used chlorin e6 to bring light into the dark, so to speak.

Natural light amplifier

The mechanism is actually simple: humans cannot see in the dark because too little light reaches their sensory cells. And that although the pupil is already as wide as possible. Other mammals, such as cats, have a reflective layer in their eyes to intensify residual light - not so humans. To remedy this shortcoming, the scientists used the light-amplifying effects of chlorin e6, together with saline solution and insulin. The latter allowed the body to better absorb the substance.

One of the researchers let this mixture trickle into his eye in a self-experiment. He was then put in contact lenses for protection. He was also given strong sunglasses so that he wasn't too blinded when the solution began to work.

Recognize symbols in the twilight

Two hours after he received the drops, the scientists did a comparison test. To do this, the test person measured himself against four other participants who had not received any eye drops. Together they had to complete various tasks in a darkened room. For example, they should recognize different symbols. The shape, color, background and, finally, the distance between the symbols varied. The participants then continued the experiment outside in the dark. The test subjects were supposed to recognize a group of people who were under trees at a distance of 25 to 50 meters.

In both experiments, the eye drops helped significantly to improve the detection rate. When it came to identifying the symbols, the eye drop test subject scored 33 percent better. He was even 100 percent better at recognizing people.

Make results objectifiable

“Of course we have to do a lot more tests,” write the scientists. Because so far the results have been based primarily on the subjective impressions of a single man. That is why the next step is to measure the electrical stimulation of the optic nerve in order to be able to evaluate the examination more objectively. Nevertheless, the researchers see their experiment as clear evidence that the technology works - even if only briefly. The subject's eyesight returned to normal the next day.

A very similar mixture of eye drops had already been registered for a patent in 2012. These should especially help people with permanent night blindness or increase the light-dark perception of patients with visual impairments. The researchers from Science for the Masses expanded their basic formula and came up with the proof that this can lead to an expansion of sensory perception even in healthy people.

Science for the masses

Science for the Masses is an independent research association. You want to make knowledge accessible to everyone and make yourself independent of the financial constraints of research and, above all, of the publication business. The disadvantage, however, is that they have only limited resources available to carry out their studies. (lh)

Source: Science for the Masses, A review on night enhancement eyedrops using chlorin e6, (accessed March 31, 2015)

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