High blood pressure: measured with a watch

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MunichAlmost every second German citizen suffers from high blood pressure - many are therefore dependent on regular measurements. Nevertheless, only around half of those affected consistently monitor their own blood pressure, as the procedure is too time-consuming for many. A new measuring device, no bigger than a wristwatch, could help.

Creeping danger

People who do not consistently monitor their high blood pressure and treat it if necessary risk their health. Because high blood pressure is often noticeable late. As a "silent" danger, it damages the organs in the long term. Serious complaints often only arise when the heart or kidneys are already damaged. To make blood pressure monitoring easier for those affected, Medical Research AG (STBL) has now developed a device that continuously measures blood pressure on the wrist.

"The measuring device can be used for medical purposes, for example to prevent patients at risk or to monitor high blood pressure," explains Michael Tschudin from STBL.

Sensors measure on the surface of the skin

At first glance, the device looks like a wristwatch. For the measurement, several sensors on the wrist continuously evaluate the pulse and blood flow. The device also registers when the wristband is not tight enough on the wrist to determine reliable values. A particular challenge was to prevent muscle movements, for example in the hand, from distorting the measurement results.

Alarm signal in an emergency

This technology would not only make blood pressure measurement easier. The continuous measurement on the wrist could also help to register and report an impending heart or cerebral infarction at an early stage. Both are preceded by increased shock waves in blood pressure, which the measuring device can record and evaluate. Then the patient can seek help at an early stage.

Device also suitable for athletes

Further clinical tests should now improve the accuracy of the device. Two variants would initially be delivered: a "slimmed-down" variant as a sports device for everyone and one as a medical monitoring device. Compared to the devices previously used to monitor 24-hour blood pressure, the professional version of the "wristwatch" will also be significantly cheaper - it should cost only about a tenth. That would be around 600 francs - that's less than 500 euros. (jb)

Source: A bracelet revolutionizes blood pressure measurement. Materials Science & Technology (EMPA). 06/12/2013.

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