Green Star: Relaxation helps the eyes

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Green star is one of the most common causes of blindness in Germany. In addition to medication, relaxation techniques can help relieve pressure in the eyes. Difficulty seeing clearly and a greenish tinge to the eyes are the first noticeable signs of glaucoma, which doctors call glaucoma. Around 800,000 people in Germany are affected. Classic therapy with medication and surgical interventions are often not enough to stop the loss of vision in the long term. Experts are therefore looking for further therapies.

Less intraocular pressure through hypnosis

Stress can increase intraocular pressure. In the long run, it reduces the blood flow to the eye and can damage the optic nerve. So it can contribute to the development of glaucoma. "Many sick people are afraid of going blind and losing their independence," explains Prof. Norbert Pfeiffer from the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG). This means additional stress for those affected, which in turn can increase intraocular pressure.

The eye specialists Dr. Thomas Bertelmann and Prof. Ilse Strempel have investigated whether relaxation methods that reduce stress have a positive effect on pressure in the eyes. To this end, they have compiled the latest research results and found that autogenic training, hypnosis and music therapy can support the classic treatment of glaucoma. The relaxation procedures lower intraocular pressure and promote blood flow to the optic nerve. In addition, they also had a positive effect on the psychological well-being of the patients.

Free from side effects

"Relaxation methods are inexpensive and without any risk of side effects," emphasize Bertelmann and Strempel. The experts therefore demand that they should therefore be part of the overall treatment concept for glaucoma patients. The DOG supports this: "Relaxation exercises are a useful addition to medical therapy." However, they could not replace them. Regular checkups by the ophthalmologist and hypotensive medication are all part of the treatment of cataracts.

How glaucoma is created

In the eye, the fluid in the anterior chamber, where the lens is located, is constantly exchanged. This is important for the correct function of the eye: the aqueous humor transports nutrients and oxygen to the lens and cornea, which do not have their own blood vessels. It also contributes to sharp vision. If more aqueous humor is formed than can be drained away via the drainage system, it backs up - the pressure in the eye increases. In the long run, this damages the eyesight. (vv)


T. Bertelmann, I. Strempel. Relaxation methods in glaucoma - importance of autogenic training, hypnosis and music medicine. Ophthalmologist 2016 113: 102-110

German Ophthalmological Society. Press release: Release pressure for the eyes: Autogenic training and Co. help with glaucoma. Accessed 06/15/16

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