Sick leave: A doctor's visit is required from Monday

Lisa Vogel studied departmental journalism with a focus on medicine and biosciences at Ansbach University and deepened her journalistic knowledge in the master's degree in multimedia information and communication. This was followed by a traineeship in the editorial team. Since September 2020 she has been writing as a freelance journalist for

More posts by Lisa Vogel All content is checked by medical journalists.

For sick leave for mild respiratory problems, employees must go to the doctor again from next week. An exception regulation introduced in the corona epidemic, stating that this was also possible after consulting the doctor by telephone, will not be extended.

The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) of doctors, clinics and health insurance companies decided on Friday. To assess whether an insured person is unable to work and receives a sick leave, a physical examination is required again from this Monday.

The G-BA has now extended the special regulation until May 4th. Here you get more information!

Slowed down momentum

The G-BA chairman Josef Hecken explained that the temporary exception served in view of the dynamic corona developments to relieve practices and reduce the spread of the virus. In the meantime, however, this dynamic has been slowed down significantly through strict distance and hygiene rules, which are also observed in practices. The temporary regulation could therefore expire on the scheduled date. This also corresponds to the cautious easing steps that the federal and state governments have decided.

Criticism from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians

The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians criticized an "abrupt stop" of the exception regulation, which was neither good for the practices nor for the patients. One had advocated an extension until May 3, but was overruled in the committee. Such an extension would also have been congruent with the state-decided contact restrictions. The Federation of German Employers' Associations (BDA), on the other hand, welcomed the expiry of the special regulation. With the gradual normalization, it is also right to return to the normal state.

If you suspect Covid-19: Call beforehand

A direct consultation with a doctor is particularly important in the case of illnesses that can only be comprehensively and precisely recognized through a personal examination. Regardless of this, patients with typical Covid-19 symptoms or unclear symptoms of the upper respiratory tract should call the practice beforehand and discuss the procedure. (dpa)

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