Cancer: Singing for the immune system

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Almost every second German will develop cancer in their lifetime. Those who are not affected themselves mostly know those affected and are concerned about them. In this situation, singing in a choir can help both patients and relatives: It lifts the mood and strengthens the immune system.

Singing is not only fun, it is also healthy. This is now confirmed by a new study. The psychoneuroimmunologist Dr. Daisy Fancourt of the Royal College of Music in London and her colleagues examined nearly 200 choir members who either had cancer themselves, lost a loved one to cancer or worried about someone who had it.

Mood lightener singing

All participants were asked about their mood and stress level before and after a choir rehearsal. In addition, they were asked for two saliva samples, which should provide information on changes in hormonal status. During the 70-minute choir rehearsal, participants did warm-up exercises, learned a new song, and sang familiar songs together.

The result: As expected, the mood of all participants improved during the choir rehearsal. The effect was strongest among the participants who initially felt worst. The saliva samples also showed a reduction in the stress hormone cortisol.

Singing nurtures the immune system

The researchers found the clear influence of singing on the immune system more surprising: the cytokine activities had increased significantly. Cytokines are a group of proteins that belong to the immune system. They can regulate the growth and activity of cells and help make the body's defenses fit against pathogens and tumor cells. They therefore play a crucial role in the development and progression of cancer. Immune messengers that promote inflammation, however, decreased during singing.

“Our study shows that singing affects the immune system,” the scientists write. They assume that cancer-related stress - triggered by diagnosis and therapy - weakens the immune system and singing can at least partially offset this effect. However, it remains to be seen whether this will also work for people who are not experienced singers.

In a further study, they want to test whether singing also has long-term positive effects on the immune system and, if necessary, can strengthen the defense of cancer patients before, during and after medical treatment.

Quality of life despite cancer

According to the Robert Koch Institute, almost every second person in Germany suffers from cancer. the different types of cancer can be treated differently. Breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer in particular are widespread. The earlier a tumor is discovered, the greater the chance it will be cured. In addition to genetic predisposition, lifestyle also has a significant impact on the individual risk of cancer, especially diet and exercise. (vv)

Source: Fancourt, D. 2016. Singing modulates mood, stress, cortisol, cytokine and neuropeptide activity in cancer patients and carers. Ecancer. 10 631 / DOI: 10.3332 / ecancer.2016.631

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