Liver cirrhosis: Many sufferers are clueless

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MunichWith liver cirrhosis, more and more liver tissue gradually dies. At some point the organ can no longer perform its tasks properly - after all, it fails completely. Experts suspect that many more people have a diseased liver than previously thought. Because although it is so dangerous, cirrhosis of the liver often goes unnoticed for a long time.

In America, around 0.27 percent of the population suffer from so-called shrunken liver, according to scientists at Loyola University in Maywood, Illinois. According to their study results, most of the sick people do not know anything about their disease - almost 70 percent are clueless. Many sufferers have no symptoms, especially at the beginning. "As a result, many cirrhosis of the liver go undetected and the actual number of diseases is far higher than is known," explains Prof. Steven Scaglione from Loyola University.

The researchers came across these numbers when they were evaluating data from a large American health study, in the course of which a representative group of the population was regularly examined for their liver values, among other things.

Every second illness could be prevented

Initially the symptoms are unspecific. Those affected suffer from tiredness, loss of appetite, or nausea. Later, you may experience yellowing of the skin, a swollen water belly, increased bleeding or bruising, and confusion.

Cirrhosis of the liver can be caused by alcohol abuse, a hepatitis infection or by other diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. The study results by Scaglione and his team showed that almost half of the patients tested positive for hepatitis C and a quarter of those infected had drunk a lot of alcohol in the previous year. In their research article, the experts explain that probably more than half of cirrhosis of the liver could be prevented if diabetes, alcohol abuse and hepatitis infections were better controlled.

Increased mortality

If cirrhosis of the liver remains undetected and untreated, the liver tissue gradually dies. It becomes scar and connective tissue that cannot fulfill the important functions of the liver, such as the production of vital proteins and the storage of glycogen and vitamins. Liver cancer can also develop from shrunken liver. Both can lead to death. Scaglione and his team have calculated that the death rate in patients with cirrhosis of the liver is 26.4 percent. In contrast, it is only 8.4 percent in adults without liver cirrhosis.

According to the study, people with cirrhosis of the liver were statistically older, poorer, more often single and had a lower standard of education compared to the general population. Men were affected more often than women.

Vaccinate against the danger

Everyone can do something to keep their risk of liver cirrhosis low. The most important preventive measures are vaccinations against various hepatitis infections - especially when traveling abroad - and alcohol consumption only in moderation. Anyone who takes medication on a regular basis should discuss with their doctor whether they could damage the liver and whether there are alternatives.

If cirrhosis of the liver is suspected, it must be checked by a doctor. He can determine the liver values ​​and the liver function. The progression of the disease can only be stopped by a radical adjustment of the lifestyle, in particular a complete abstinence from alcohol. A cure is not possible. (vv)


Scaglione, S. et al. The Epidemiology of Cirrhosis in the United States: A Population-based Study. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 2014. doi: 10.1097 / MCG.0000000000000208

Loyola University. Press release: Liver cirrhosis more common than previously thought, study finds. (Access: January 9, 2015)

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