With viruses against black skin cancer

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MunichBlack skin cancer (malignant melanoma) is particularly treacherous. This form of cancer spreads to other organs comparatively quickly. Then the survival time drops drastically. A completely new therapeutic approach could change that: Viruses are unleashed on the cancer cells.

This new treatment concept was developed by researchers working with Jason Chesney from the University of Louisville. Your weapon: genetically modified herpes viruses. The scientists equipped these with two special substances that influence the immune system - they are called ipilimumab and nivolumab.

Activated immune cells

Previous studies had shown that the two active ingredients switch off two key proteins that are located on the surface of cancer cells. Usually these signal the immune system to leave them alone. But if they are muted, the immune cells attack the cancer cells. At that time, injections into tumor tissue made it possible to shrink melanomas in most patients, even in advanced stages.

Administration of the active ingredients with the help of the genetically modified herpes viruses has now proven to be even more effective. Injected into the tumor, they are harmless to healthy cells. However, they multiply and thus stimulate the immune system to switch off the cancer cells. Talimogene laherparepvec (T-VEC) is what the scientists call the procedure, the effectiveness of which they have already tested on 436 patients with melanoma in stages IIIb and IV.

"The results are amazing," says Chesney. Patients given earlier-stage T-VEC lived approximately 20 months longer than patients given other therapy. For some, the treatment added years to life.

Can also be used against other forms of cancer

“We figured out how to get the human immune system to kill cancer cells. We have thus created a new class of immunotherapeutic agents that dramatically increases the survival rate of cancer patients. ”The researcher is convinced that this principle could improve the chances not only for patients with melanoma but also for other forms of cancer.“ We come with the development such methods are already making good progress, ”says Chesney.

Every year around 10,000 men and just as many women are diagnosed with malignant melanoma. In the early stages of the disease, these can be easily removed and the chance of recovery is good. If the cancer has already spread in the body, life expectancy is significantly worse: with lymph node metastases, around 20 to 50 percent of those affected are still alive after ten years. In the case of metastases in organs such as the lungs, liver or brain, life expectancy without treatment is only six to nine months on average. (cf)

Jason Chesney: Talimogene Laherparepvec Improves Durable Response Rate in Patients With Advanced Melanoma, Journal of Clinical Oncology, May 26, 2015, doi: 10.1200 / JCO.2014.58.3377

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