Chemotherapy: a cool head protects against hair loss

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Hair loss after chemotherapy is emotionally very stressful for many patients. Through him, the disease is constantly present - for yourself, but also for everyone else. A new process can often significantly reduce the impending loss - with the help of a sensor-controlled cold hood.

Doctors at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) have already tested the method on 19 breast cancer patients. “We achieved very good results. Most of the women were very satisfied with it, ”says Professor Dr. Tjoung-Won Park-Simon, Deputy Clinic Director and Head of Gynecological Oncology.

Protected hair roots

While receiving the chemotherapy drugs via infusion, the patients wear a silicone cap. This cools the scalp down to three to five degrees Celsius. "The cold constricts the local blood vessels and the metabolism in the scalp is shut down," explains Park-Simon. “As a result, the drug is not so well absorbed locally and cannot be fully effective there. This protects the hair roots. ”Special integrated sensors monitor that this happens evenly. "DigniLife" is the name of the procedure that is currently used in a total of nine centers in Germany.

Hair loss cannot be completely prevented, but significantly less hair falls out. In more than half of the patients who opted for scalp cooling, the hair remained so thick that they could do without a wig, headscarf or hat.

Distressing hair loss

The procedure is not pleasant. The cold can also cause headaches. Nevertheless, 60 to 70 percent of patients choose it - because the idea of ​​losing their hair is difficult for most of them. In addition to all the other burdens, pain and fears that cancer brings with it, they now also lose an essential symbol of their femininity. The fact that the bald head reveals the disease to all the world is often still a problem. Many experience this as stigmatization.

Cash registers do not assume any costs

The cold treatment costs 85 euros - per application. The breast cancer therapy most frequently carried out at the MHH comprises 16 infusions with cytostatics that are administered over a period of six months. 1360 euros come together in this way. The health insurance companies do not cover the costs of the cold treatment. (cf)

Source: Press release Hannover Medical School, May 27, 2015

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