Childbirth and alternative pain therapies

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Acupuncture, homeopathy, essential oils, Bach flowers: there are various alternative methods of relieving childbirth pain. Most of the time, they are also used in preparation for childbirth. Read more about alternative pain therapies during childbirth here!


With the help of acupuncture it is not possible to achieve complete freedom from pain during childbirth. However, setting the needles can interrupt the cycle out of fear, tension and pain.

There are numerous points on the body that are suitable for acupuncture in obstetrics. One of them is the intersection that occurs when you connect the ears above the head with an imaginary line. There is a relaxation point where this line crosses the vertex. Another point ("large intestine 4") lies, for example, in the dimple between the thumb and forefinger on the back of the hand. An experienced therapist will select the most suitable acupuncture points in each individual case.

Some women are afraid of needles. If you still want to use acupuncture for childbirth, it is best to gain experience with "needling" beforehand in order to slowly build up your fear (e.g. in preparation courses for childbirth or with the help of your own midwife).

Acupuncture should always be performed by an experienced therapist and with sterile, disposable needles. Used to prepare for birth, it can then achieve very good results. It is also often used in the following cases:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • cervix opening slowly (cervical dystocia).
  • decreased uterine regression after delivery


This alternative healing method is based on the doctor and pharmacist Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) back. The term homeopathy means "similarly suffering" (Greek: homoios = similar and pathos = suffering). The starting material of this healing process are substances that can cause similar phenomena in the human body as the disease against which it is used. They are administered in a very strong dilution ("potentization"), usually in the form of sugar balls (globules).

Homeopathic globules can be given both in preparation for birth and during birth. Which globules are used depends on the woman's condition. Some doctors trained in homeopathy also treat pregnancy diseases with homeopathic remedies.

Many people report positive experiences with homeopathy. The concept and effectiveness of this alternative healing method are, however, controversial in science and not clearly proven by studies. However, the globules do not have any side effects.


Aromatherapy can also help with childbirth pain. Various essential oils, for example, have a relaxing, calming, antispasmodic or labor-inducing effect. There are two modes of action: On the one hand, the oils are absorbed through the skin and mucous membrane and reach the tissue and organs via the blood. On the other hand, the fragrances are perceived through the nose and thus affect the soul, because smells and feelings are processed in the same area of ​​the brain. Essential oils can be used, for example, in the fragrance lamp, as bath additives and for massages. Trained midwives help with the choice of fragrances for birth support.

Bach flower therapy

Bach flower therapy is named after its discoverer, the doctor Dr. Named Edward Bach (1888-1936). The method works in a similar way to homeopathy. Highly diluted extracts of plants are taken.

The theory says that an illness is the sign of a disharmony between the inner core of a person and his daily behavior at the personality level. That is why only the mental symptoms are considered in Bach flower therapy. The disharmony and the resulting blockages should be resolved with the support of the Bach flower essences. According to the theory, the energy released is intended to correct the imbalance that has arisen.

Bach flower therapy is sometimes also used during pregnancy. The therapist decides which remedies are suitable in each individual case after a conversation with the expectant mother, in which he assesses her mental state. Such conversations require patience and experience. It is about recognizing how the woman feels and which negative states of mind predominate. The physical symptoms are negligible. Based on the result, a suitable flower combination - usually from four to five different flower essences - is made, which the expectant mother takes. But there are also Bach flowers for compresses, rubs and baths.

Pregnant women should start Bach flower therapy in preparation for childbirth, because the effect should only take effect after a few days. Like homeopathy, Bach flower therapy has not been scientifically proven. But it has no side effects, even if you were wrong about the choice of plants. In addition, Bach flower drops are considered harmless - they are very highly diluted. In addition, no poisonous plants are used to produce them.

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