Fatigue during pregnancy

Nicole Wendler holds a PhD in biology in the field of oncology and immunology. As a medical editor, author and proofreader, she works for various publishers, for whom she presents complex and extensive medical issues in a simple, concise and logical manner.

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Many pregnant women suffer from fatigue. Pregnancy brings about physical changes that demand a lot from the organism. In the first few months in particular, many expectant mothers feel dull and exhausted. Fatigue often subsides in the second trimester, only to return often towards the end of the pregnancy. Read more about the causes of fatigue in pregnancy and how to deal with it here.

Reasons for fatigue

Pregnancy and childbirth demand a lot from the body. The hormonal change in particular often causes numerous complaints. This also includes tiredness. Some women often notice unusual exhaustion and tiredness even before they miss a menstrual period - pregnancy tests and gynecologists usually confirm the assumption. As soon as the egg is implanted in the uterus, the hormone levels in the woman's body change. Essentially, the hormone progesterone, which increases sharply especially in the first few months, is responsible for fatigue.

Pregnancy also causes blood pressure and sugar to drop, and metabolism slows down. But other physical changes also make you tired. The placenta grows and the bone marrow needs to produce extra blood cells to supply the child and the placenta. As a result, the heart is also more challenged, as it now has to pump a larger amount of blood through the body.

Sometimes an undetected underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) or an iron deficiency (sideropenia) can cause tiredness during pregnancy. Your doctor can determine both by taking a blood test.

However, it is also possible that the wrong diet and lifestyle are to blame for fatigue. Too little exercise and thus oxygen, large meals, fatty or sweet dishes and a lack of fluids make you tired and make you feel tired.

Pregnancy is often accompanied by increased symptoms again in the last few weeks. If most pregnant women feel fit in the second trimester, the physical strain reaches its maximum in the last third. It is not uncommon for exhaustion and tiredness to reappear.

Pregnancy: what to do about tiredness?

Pregnancy is stressful for the body. During this time it is running at full speed. Therefore, pay close attention to the signals your body sends when it calls for rest and relaxation, but sometimes also for exercise. Try out what is good for you. Every woman reacts differently during pregnancy.

The following tips often help against tiredness:

  • Pregnancy and sport are not a contradiction in terms! If the pregnancy is uncomplicated, light sports such as yoga or swimming get the circulation going.
  • Oxygen against tiredness: pregnancy symptoms can be reduced if you regularly exercise in the fresh air.
  • Treat yourself to rest, relaxation or a short nap when your body asks for it. But be careful: Too much sleep makes the circulation even slower!
  • If the blood pressure is low, alternating showers stimulate the blood circulation. Rosemary baths also have an activating effect and help against tiredness.
  • Pregnancy is often accompanied by iron deficiency, which can make you tired. An iron-rich diet - plus vitamin C for improved iron absorption - helps against this.
  • Eat a balanced diet with small, healthy meals throughout the day instead of large, fatty portions. Eat sweets only in moderation!
  • Drink enough: Lots of tea, water and juice spritzers help prevent tiredness.

Pregnancy: What is not advisable if you are tired

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are phases in life in which women should avoid medication and stimulants as much as possible. If the tiredness is due to an iron deficiency, you may only take iron supplements after consulting your doctor. Also, don't drink too much caffeine (coffee, black tea, cola) to fight fatigue. Pregnancy is a sensitive phase when it comes to the consumption of the pick-me-up: Caffeine affects the blood flow to the placenta and the growth of the embryo and should therefore only be consumed in moderation, if at all.

Tags:  menopause eyes Menstruation 

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