Book tip: Health is (also) a matter of the head

Lisa Vogel studied departmental journalism with a focus on medicine and biosciences at Ansbach University and deepened her journalistic knowledge in the master's degree in multimedia information and communication. This was followed by a traineeship in the editorial team. Since September 2020 she has been writing as a freelance journalist for

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If you understand how your brain works, you can do a lot for your health with simple mental techniques. The pathologist Dr. Katharina Schmid in her book "Kopfsache - Gesund" and underpins this with facts from current research.

What's the matter?

Every third piece of advice now says that positive thoughts can have a positive influence on our physical condition. What is exciting about this book is the scientific approach: How do thoughts arise? How does the brain react to illness and pain? And how can I specifically influence my body and sensations through my thoughts?

The author answers these questions clearly using the example of her patients. Using specific cases - a stressed mother with an acute herniated disc or a resigned dialysis patient - she explains various mental techniques. For example, how to break through negative thought patterns or support physical healing in the case of an illness with positive inner images. She explains how and why this works on the basis of research results from brain research, gene regulation, immunology and quantum physics.

Who wrote it?

Dr. med. Katharina Schmid is a pathologist in Straubing and has long been interested in holistic health concepts. She herself completed an apprenticeship in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Who cares?

The book not only provides support in the event of illness. It's exciting for anyone who is open to holistic ways of thinking and at the same time appreciates scientifically sound information.

Our conclusion

The author presents processes in the brain that affect thinking, perception and, last but not least, health in an easily understandable and very clear way. It provides food for thought and gives the reader practical methods to improve their mental and physical health through their own thinking.

Quote: "The healing power of thoughts remains an idle theory if we do not learn to use it specifically."

Tags:  palliative medicine anatomy laboratory values 

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