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SPECT (short for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) is a special form of CT examination. With their help, the doctor can visualize the metabolism in various organs. It is therefore used, for example, for circulatory disorders of the heart or diseases of the brain. Here you can read everything you need to know about SPECT, how it works and what risks it entails.

What is a SPECT?

The SPECT examination is a diagnostic measure from the field of nuclear medicine. The abbreviation SPECT stands for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, in German: Single photon emission computed tomography (also single photon emission computed tomography). It is an examination method with which one can visualize the metabolic processes in different organs. To do this, the doctor uses radioactive substances called tracers.

Special form: SPECT / CT

The SPECT is well suited for assessing the metabolism of individual organs. However, their structure cannot be assessed with it - conventional imaging, for example X-rays or computed tomography (CT), is necessary for this. However, there is also a combination method of SPECT and CT: SPECT / CT combines the information about the structure of an organ with that about its functionality.

When do you perform a SPECT?

A SPECT (like scintigraphy) provides information about the functionality of an organ or tissue. The doctor often uses the SPECT to examine the heart and check its blood flow and vitality. For example, he can diagnose coronary artery disease (CHD), in which the heart is not adequately supplied with blood due to vasoconstriction.

Other areas of application for SPECT are, for example:

  • Changes in bone metabolism (in the case of tumors or inflammation of the bones)
  • Brain diseases (Alzheimer's dementia, epilepsy, or Parkinson's)
  • hormone-producing tumors (neuroendocrine tumors)

What do you do with a SPECT?

The examination can be carried out in a specialized doctor's office or in a hospital. First, the doctor provides the patient with a venous access through a needle in the crook of the elbow or the back of the hand. He can also use this to give a sedative if the patient so wishes. Above all, however, he uses the access to bring in the radioactive tracer material.This is now distributed through the bloodstream in the body. It can take a few minutes, but also hours, for it to accumulate in the organ to be examined. During this period, the patient should lie relaxed and calm so as not to affect the metabolism.

Now the patient is driven through the arched SPECT device on the examination table. This now takes pictures of the corresponding organ, from which a computer creates a three-dimensional image.

The duration of the examination can be over an hour. The patient is not left alone during this time, but is looked after by assistants or the doctor. So if he feels uncomfortable, he can contact us and the examination can be canceled.

What are the risks of a SPECT?

The SPECT itself is a painless examination for the patient. Only the administration of radioactive tracers can cause pain or infections in the puncture site as well as injuries to nerves or blood vessels. Intolerance to the tracer is extremely rare.

What do I have to consider after a SPECT?

After the SPECT, if you have been given a sedative, you are not allowed to drive a vehicle. It is best to organize someone to pick you up from your appointment.

Many patients are frightened at the mention of the word "radioactive" and worry about radiation damage. In truth, the amount of radiation the patient is exposed to during the exam is very small. The duration of the radiation effectiveness depends on the tracer used. In most cases it is technetium. After administration, this disintegrates very quickly in the body, so that there is virtually no radioactivity after about 24 hours. Depending on which radioactive substance is used, the doctor discusses with the patient exactly whether and, if so, which precautionary measures to be observed after the SPECT.

Tags:  prevention dental care skin 

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