
Nicole Wendler holds a PhD in biology in the field of oncology and immunology. As a medical editor, author and proofreader, she works for various publishers, for whom she presents complex and extensive medical issues in a simple, concise and logical manner.

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Insemination is the transfer of semen into the female genital tract. Usually this happens during intercourse. In most cases, however, what is meant by insemination is artificial insemination. This is usually done by a doctor, but sometimes at home. Here you can find out how an artificial semen transfer works, for whom it is suitable and what the chances of success are.

What is an insemination?

In principle, artificial insemination is an assisted fertilization method. This means that with a little help, the man's sperm can be put on its way to the uterus. This procedure is also known as artificial insemination or semen transfer.

There are several ways to do this, either with or without medical help. The latter is intrauterine insemination (IUI), i.e. the transfer of semen directly into the uterus (uterus). If your partner's sperm is used, it is a homologous insemination. If foreign donor sperm is used (e.g. in the case of hereditary diseases, inadequate sperm analysis, lesbian couples), doctors speak of heterologous or donogenic insemination.

additional Information

You can read more about the direct transfer of sperm into the uterus in the article IUI: Intrauterine Insemination.

How does an insemination work?

Getting as many potent sperm cells to the egg cell at the right time - that is the goal of insemination. For this, it is important to carefully monitor the woman's cycle and ovulation in advance. In medical practice, this is done using ultrasound and hormone analysis.

With self-insemination at home, you have to determine the right time yourself with an ovulation test or cycle computer. Generally, the best time to inseminate is two to five days before ovulation.

The semen itself is usually obtained through masturbation.

Insemination: process

When the time comes, the doctor injects the previously prepared sperm directly into the uterus via a thin catheter.

If you do the insemination yourself (home insemination), you must first purchase some aids. You can do the home insemination with an insemination cap, funnel, cup, or insemination syringe. Basically, this is how you transport the sperm to the entrance of the vagina (intravaginal insemination). The semen sample must be fresh for this because the sperm can only survive for a limited time in the seminal fluid.

If the woman lies down for a while afterwards and puts her legs up, this can improve the chances of conceiving.

Who is insemination suitable for?

Regardless of whether you opt for an IUI or a home insemination, the following physical requirements must be met by the woman and the sperm donor:

  • continuous, functional fallopian tubes
  • well-built uterine lining for implantation
  • Ovulation must take place
  • fertilizable and motile sperm
  • sufficient sperm count

Semen transfer is generally recommended for couples without a serious cause for childlessness (idiopathic sterility) or if direct sexual contact is not possible or should be avoided (e.g. because of an HIV infection).

Artificial insemination at home enables single women, in particular, who are denied access to artificial insemination in Germany, to fulfill their desire to have children despite the lack of a steady partner - provided they find a private sperm donor. Of course, this also applies to lesbian couples who want to do a home insemination. Since homosexual couples have to bear the costs of artificial insemination themselves as far as possible, this method is a cheaper alternative.

Even heterosexual couples who have problems getting pregnant naturally can help with self-insemination. If the woman is HIV positive, home insemination can limit virus transmission to the partner. However, if the man is affected, the sperm must be carefully examined. Couples with HIV infection should always seek medical advice prior to insemination.

Insemination: Chances of Success

The chances of getting pregnant with the IUI performed by the doctor are between 15 and 40 percent - depending on how many cycles are performed. The mother's age and the hormonal stimulation determine whether the insemination is successful.

In principle, the success rate with IUI is higher than with home insemination, since the semen sample is injected directly into the uterus. With self-insemination, on the other hand, the sperm cells only end up at the vaginal entrance and have to make their way into the uterus and on to the egg cell itself. So there is still a lot that can go wrong. In addition, the ejaculate is processed during the medically supervised intrauterine insemination and the number of cells is optimized, which further increases the chances of success.

Advantages and disadvantages of insemination

Regardless of whether IUI or home insemination: The actual semen transfer is relatively uncomplicated and painless. The financial expenses are also limited. However, the woman's menstrual cycle must be closely monitored until she is about to ovulate.

It can become stressful if the woman undergoes hormone therapy to promote the maturation of the egg cells. Then overstimulation, up to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, or a multiple pregnancy can lead to complications.

Basically, insemination in the spontaneous monthly cycle is the least risky of all assisted reproductive methods.

Tags:  womenshealth menshealth magazine 

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