Seven "survival tips" for pregnant women

Janine Fritsch is a qualified biologist and medical editor in the team. As a lecturer in a specialist medical publisher, she initially designed, edited and wrote patient guides. In 2001 she switched from traditional book-making to what was then a new world of online editorial offices and helped set up a health portal.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Nausea, tiredness, heartburn - some of the typical symptoms of pregnancy are particularly noticeable in the first trimester, others only become noticeable as the waist circumference increases. After the birth, the ghost is usually over, and the annoying and largely harmless symptoms are quickly gone. But the time until then needs to be bridged. We asked an experienced gynecologist what can help against the seven most common pregnancy symptoms.

1. Constipation and gas

Constipation and gas go hand in hand and are a classic in early pregnancy. “The fact that many women complain of constipation right at the beginning suggests that the changed hormone balance has something to do with it. Flatulence is often diet-related. ”Explains Dr. Müller-Hartburg, gynecologist in Vienna. “I used to recommend magnesium, which has a slight laxative effect. Today I prefer to give my patients a simple and filling recipe for a breakfast made from fruit, quark and yoghurt with a little linseed oil. That helps very well for everyone, also against flatulence. "

Important for flaxseed, which many know as a household remedy for draining: “Flaxseed needs a lot of liquid to swell. If you don't drink enough, you run the risk of constipation getting worse. Few of them manage to drink the necessary amounts, ”warns Dr. Müller-Hartburg. “The linseed oil breakfast works better, and the slightly bitter taste of the oil is lost in it. The men eat that too! "

Recipe: linseed oil breakfast against constipation and flatulence during pregnancy (for 2 servings)

  • Squeeze 1-2 bananas with a fork or puree them in a blender
  • 1 cup of yogurt (150 g)
  • 1 cup of low-fat quark (150 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of grated nuts
  • 1 teaspoon of linseed oil
  • Mix everything well.

2. Fatigue

Many women are unusually tired at first. This is also typical, especially for the 6th to 11th week of pregnancy. “It helps the parents if they know why that is the case. I will show you the growing baby in an ultrasound and explain that the body now needs a lot of energy, ”said Müller-Hartburg. “There is nothing we can do about tiredness. It is completely normal and will soon go away again. ”The pregnancy hormone progesterone is often cited as the cause:“ There are now so many changes in the whole body. I can't imagine that it's really that alone, ”the gynecologist puts into perspective.

3. Heartburn

The burning sensation behind the breastbone is caused by small amounts of stomach acid rising up and back up the esophagus through the stomach's sphincter. This usually only happens later in the pregnancy, when the child needs more space and presses on the stomach. Müller-Hartburg: “The most important thing in prevention is not to overfill your stomach, so rather to eat small amounts over several meals. Do not sit down again immediately afterwards, it will compress the abdominal cavity. It is best to move around after eating, for example to go for a walk, until the stomach is a little emptier again. "
Dr. Imma Müller-Hartburg, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics,

4. Nausea

Nausea is common in early pregnancy, around the first to the third month, but different degrees in every woman: from latent to daily vomiting. “Nausea is quite common, but in most cases it is mild and it stops over time. I recommend eating less and more often. It often helps to offer your stomach something like rusks or crispbread in between meals. Ginger tea also works well for some women, while others respond more to acupuncture or acupressure. You have to try this out individually with a little patience, ”advises Dr. Gundakar Wenzl, gynecologist in Munich.

5. Cravings

Like nausea, cravings are probably hormone-related and are often attributed to the pregnancy hormone HCG. However, it does not appear until later (around the 4th month) when the nausea has already passed. "In my experience, slimmer women often have to struggle with this - perhaps a sign that the body now needs certain nutrients more," suspects Dr. Wenzl, because it has not been proven. “It is important not to gain too much. It helps to keep a regular eating rhythm, for example a sufficient meal three times a day. But for in between you should always have something in your pocket like fruit, a muesli bar or trail mix. It provides vitamins and minerals, but doesn't have as many calories, ”recommends the gynecologist.

6. Water in the legs

In many women, water accumulates more towards the end of pregnancy, especially in the legs, and sometimes in the arms and hands. "Up to 3 kilos is quite normal during pregnancy," explains Wenzl. In the past, water retention was treated with rice days and other dehydrating agents. “This is actually harmful because it dries out the body,” warns the doctor. On the contrary: “The pregnant woman should drink a lot, exercise a lot and put her legs up as often as possible,” is his recommendation. “Class 2 support stockings also take the strain off, and you can have an old tennis ball with you for your hands, which you knead every now and then. That stimulates the circulation. "

7. back pain

Also towards the end, usually around the 28th to 32nd week of pregnancy, back pain occurs more frequently, especially in the lumbar area. "These can be complaints that existed before and are now getting worse," says Dr. Wenzl. "The child now puts more weight on the joints, connective tissue and muscles become softer, provide less support, and nerves can be squeezed." There is a lot that can be done to prevent back problems. Dr. Wenzl recommends strengthening aqua aerobics and yoga especially for pregnant women. “You can achieve a lot with a different posture and lifting technique. Above all, pregnant women who have already had a small child should know how to lift and carry their child despite the belly without putting too much strain on the back. "
Dr. Gundakar Wenzl, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics,

Tags:  Diseases fitness symptoms 

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