Anticoagulant: New active ingredient with no risk of bleeding

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MunichBlood clots that can lead to thrombosis are life-threatening. In order to prevent thrombotic diseases such as heart attacks, strokes or pulmonary embolisms, the use of blood thinners is therefore widespread. However, these have one major disadvantage: in the event of an injury, they impair blood clotting, which can lead to life-threatening blood loss. Scientists from Hamburg and Stockholm have now developed an active ingredient that prevents blood clots without increasing the bleeding tendency at the same time.

Prevent thrombosis, stop the risk of bleeding

"All the substances used to date, such as heparin or Marcumar, are associated with a considerable risk for patients," explains study author Dr. Thomas Reneé. The aim of the research was therefore to identify an active ingredient that prevents thrombosis without increasing the tendency to bleed. And the international research team has apparently already succeeded in doing this, at least in animal experiments. The name of the active ingredient: Antibody 3F7.

“This antibody blocks the enzyme factor XII, the so-called Hagemann factor. This is jointly responsible for the development of thrombosis, ”reports Reneé. However, factor XII does not play a role in blood coagulation processes. People who live without this enzyme because of a genetic defect have normal hemostasis in the event of injuries.

Blocked thrombosis gene

To inactivate the enzyme factor XII, the scientists gave the test animals the antibody 3F7. "The administration of 3F7 effectively prevents the development of new thromboses, at the same time the risk of bleeding does not increase", says Reneé. This works because 3F7 docks to the active center of the enzyme and thus blocks it very specifically.

New opportunities

These results are particularly interesting for intensive care medicine and emergency operations. There are medical interventions that require the use of anticoagulants to protect the patient from thrombosis. For example when using heart-lung machines. However, serious complications due to profuse bleeding are not uncommon.

It would be all the more important to bring a drug against thrombosis onto the market that does not impair blood clotting. This could then not only save lives in acute cases, but possibly also be administered preventively to prevent strokes and heart attacks. (jb)

Source: UKE scientists develop new method for blood thinning without the risk of bleeding. Press release University Medical Center Eppendorf.

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