Pregnant after miscarriage

Florian Tiefenböck studied human medicine at the LMU Munich. In March 2014, he joined as a student and has supported the editorial team with medical articles ever since. After receiving his medical license and practical work in internal medicine at the University Hospital Augsburg, he has been a permanent member of the team since December 2019 and, among other things, ensures the medical quality of the tools.

More posts by Florian Tiefenböck All content is checked by medical journalists.

Most women have concerns about becoming pregnant after a miscarriage. They are often plagued by fears whether the pregnancy will go smoothly or whether they will lose their child again. It becomes even more tragic when a woman suffers an abortion several times in a row. Here's how you can improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy after miscarriage.

ICD codes for this disease: ICD codes are internationally recognized codes for medical diagnoses. They can be found, for example, in doctor's letters or on certificates of incapacity for work. O03O06

risk assessment

Getting pregnant after a miscarriage is one of the greatest wishes of many affected women. However, the risk of another miscarriage increases to around 24 percent after a miscarriage, and after a second the probability even rises to around 35 percent. If a woman has already lost her child three times and is pregnant again after a miscarriage, the risk is around 46 percent. The following recommendations will help reduce the risk of another abortion:


Before a woman becomes pregnant again, some tests should be done. In addition to the general gynecological examination, this includes further extensive measures:

Investigation of the genome

So-called chromosomes in the nucleus of every body cell carry a person's genetic material. This is passed on to the child. Certain deviations in the genome increase the risk of an abortion. So-called human geneticists can examine the paternal and maternal genetic makeup before a new pregnancy after a miscarriage. The doctor advises this chromosome analysis, especially in the case of frequent abortions.

Examination of the hormonal balance

If the hormone level in the woman's body fluctuates or if a certain hormone is even absent, the risk of a miscarriage increases. Hormones of the sugar metabolism and the thyroid gland play a special role. The determination of the female sex hormones is just as relevant. The doctor will also take into account the cycle of those affected.

Exclusion of infections

To rule out infections caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi, the doctor takes a smear from the cervix and examines it for pathogens. He also takes blood. If a pathogen is found, the infection must be treated before a new pregnancy after a miscarriage.


Another risk factor are malformations of the uterus. These can usually be determined with an ultrasound examination. If a patient has already suffered several miscarriages, the doctor will examine the uterus through the vagina (hysteroscopy). Uterine abnormalities can usually be corrected surgically. Malformations of the ovaries can also be detected using ultrasound.

Antibody detection

Antibodies are proteins of the immune system. They usually work against unwanted intruders. However, it can happen that they are directed against the body's own structures. This may also affect pregnancy: the fertilized egg is attacked and an abortion occurs.

Getting pregnant after miscarriage: you can do it yourself

Getting pregnant after a miscarriage is entirely possible. However, there are a few points to keep in mind.

Take your time!

A new pregnancy after a miscarriage is biologically possible as soon as a complete cycle has expired. However, doctors advise waiting a few months. This is how the body can regenerate. Also, take time to grieve. A good mental constitution has a positive effect on pregnancy after a miscarriage.

Avoid Risks

There are some preventable risk factors. These include, for example, smoking and alcohol. Excessive physical strain at work or extreme sports is also not recommended. If you come back after a miscarriage, you should adhere particularly strictly to this recommendation.

Create a stable environment for yourself

During pregnancy after a miscarriage, affected women have to overcome their fear of another abortion. Discuss your concerns with your partner or close friends. Midwives and their preparatory courses help some expectant mothers.

See your gynecologist regularly

Get regular prenatal checkups. Risks such as infections can thus be identified and eliminated at an early stage. Not all bleeding is a sign of a miscarriage. But every abnormality is to be taken seriously. If you have any complaints during pregnancy, be sure to ask your doctor.

In any case, with all possible risks, you should always be aware that you can usually get pregnant again after a miscarriage and ultimately give birth to a healthy child.

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