Heart: Sedentary lifestyle is the most damaging

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MunichSmoking, obesity, high blood pressure and lack of exercise are the four biggest enemies of the heart. Australian researchers have now found that sedentary lifestyle is the main risk factor - at least in women over 30.

Wendy Brown and colleagues from the University of Queensland evaluated data from a total of 32,254 study participants. The women were between 22 and 90 years old. In a questionnaire, they stated at regular intervals whether they smoked or not, how often they moved per week and whether they had been diagnosed with high blood pressure by a doctor. The women also noted their height and weight. Since the beginning of the study in 1996, the subjects' heart health has been checked again and again.

While the proportion of women smokers decreased with age, the other three risk factors increased with age. Only the BMI fell slightly again in old age. Accordingly, the most important trigger for cardiovascular disease is also different in different age groups.

Under 30: Smoking is the most important risk factor

For young women under 30, smoking plays the biggest role in developing heart problems later on. 28 percent of them reached for the smoldering stick at the start of their studies. Among the 34 to 39 year olds it was only eleven percent.

Too little movement

Women over 30 have another main risk factor: too little exercise. Those who are physically active for at least 150 minutes a week reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease by 30 to 40 percent, depending on the age group. You don't have to work extremely hard to do this. According to the scientists, moderate exercise is sufficient, such as golfing, relaxing swimming or gardening. In Australia alone, this measure would save the lives of 2,000 women each year, the researchers said. In fact, 48 to 81 percent of women over 30 fail this recommendation.

The term cardiovascular diseases includes all diseases of the heart and the blood vessel system. According to the Federal Statistical Office, forty percent of all deaths in Germany can be traced back to them. In 2012, more than 55,000 Germans succumbed to a heart attack, and more than 293,000 died as a result of another cardiovascular disease. (away)

Source: Brown W. et al .: Comparing population attributable risks for heart disease across the adult lifespan in women, Br J Sports Med doi: 10.1136 / bjsports-2013-093090, 2014

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