Ginger helps with menstrual pain

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Labor-like cramps during the period - every second to third woman suffers from menstrual pain anew every month. If you don't want to take painkillers, you can use a natural alternative: ginger.

The hot tuber influences the formation of certain prostagandins, which are increasingly released during the period. These tissue hormones trigger the contraction of the uterine muscles and thus support the excretion of the uterine lining that has been shed. In addition, the hormones promote pain perception and inflammation, constrict blood vessels and increase blood clotting. That is why they are crucially involved in the painful cramping of the abdomen in women once a month.

Less cramps

Ginger can also help. It inhibits prostaglandin synthesis. This reduces the production of substances that promote pain and cramps. Various research groups have investigated how well ginger counteracts menstrual pain. Scientists from Hoseo University in South Korea compared the different results. They concluded that ginger powder actually helps with menstrual pain.

Relieved pain

The researchers found clear evidence of pain relief from the powdered tubers. As part of the studies, the affected participants had ingested 750 to 2000 milligrams of ginger in powder form in the first three to four days of menstruation. The big advantage over painkillers from the pharmacy: Ginger has almost no side effects. However, some are allergic to the root, while others develop mild gastrointestinal complaints after eating ginger.

Good for the stomach and intestines

In addition to providing pain relief, ginger has other medicinal benefits. It helps with pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn, bloating, flatulence, nausea and vomiting as well as loss of appetite. In addition to taking it in the form of capsules, fresh ginger can also be used, for example in the form of a hot infusion. (cf)

James W. Daily: Efficacy of Ginger for Alleviating the Symptoms of Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials, Pain medicine 14 JUL 2015, DOI: 10.1111 / pme.12853

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