Bones: Magnesium is just as important as calcium

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MunichCalcium is important for building bones - this is well known. An American study now shows: Magnesium probably plays at least as important a role. The mineral is responsible for bone density, according to the researchers.

Magnesium makes bones strong

63 healthy children between the ages of four and eight took part in the study. Parents had to carefully weigh their children's foods and drinks for three days so that the scientists could determine the exact amount of magnesium and calcium ingested. The researchers then determined the magnesium and calcium concentrations in the bones using what is known as dual X-ray absorptiometry.

The astonishing result: the so-called bone mineral density, which is decisive for the strength of the bones, correlated with the amount of magnesium absorbed - but not with that of calcium. Magnesium is therefore stored in the bones more quickly. "It seems to be an important factor for bone formation that has received little attention so far," said Abrams, summarizing the results of the study. Nevertheless, calcium also plays a crucial role in bone health. Abrams recommends a balanced diet for children that is high in magnesium, calcium and vitamin D.

Important helper in the human body

The human body cannot produce magnesium itself, so it has to be ingested with food. The vital mineral can be found, for example, in whole grain bread, legumes, sunflower seeds and nuts, as well as in potatoes, fennel, broccoli, horseradish, kohlrabi and fish. Magnesium not only plays an important role in the bones, it is also important for the functioning of the muscles and in the blood vessels. It also helps over 300 enzymes in the human body to stimulate chemical reactions. (away)

Source: Abrams S. A. et al .: Magnesium, but not Calcium intake is significantly association with bone mineral status in 4 to 8 year old children, American Academy of Pediatrics, Platform Session: Pediatric Nutrition, May 05, 2013

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