Why some people age faster

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How old someone looks depends on two factors: lifestyle and genes. Scientists have now discovered a variant in the genome that accelerates the externally visible aging processes - and perhaps also the internal ones.

Researchers led by Manfred Kayser from the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam have evaluated data from the so-called "Rotterdam Study". The database with genetic information on 2,600 older women and men contains genetic data as well as front and side portrait photos, which a computer program could use to estimate the age of the participants. Typical signs of aging such as pigment spots and wrinkles helped.

Appear two years older

During their analysis, the researchers came across the MC1R gene. It's an old friend: it was discovered back in the 90s that it regulates skin tone and hair color. Women and men who have a special variant of the gene look, on average, about two years older than they really are. "This is the first time we have found a gene that could explain in part why some people look older for their age and others look younger," says Kayser. However, in addition to the newly discovered aging gene, there are certainly many other genetic factors involved in the aging process The researchers still want to find out which mechanisms the gene variant uses to age people.

Those who look old die earlier

Looking old or young isn't just a matter of vanity: people who look younger than they are have a longer life expectancy and are healthier than people who appear older. In this respect, the external appearance evidently really reflects the internal conditions to a certain extent. Previous studies have shown this.

The researchers believe their work can provide important insights into the nature of aging. "We found an exciting way to find out why some people age better," says David Gunn of Colworth Science Park in Sharnbrook, a co-author of the study.

Live better, age better

Even those who are not gifted with good genes can do a lot to stay young. Because how old someone looks is at least 50 percent determined by lifestyle. Excessive alcohol consumption, a poor diet, UV damage and, above all, smoking not only make you look old faster, they also make your health worse. (cf)

Source: Liu et al .: The MC1R Gene and Youthful Looks, Current Biology, April 28, 2016

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