Depression - Prevention

and Dr. med. Nina Buschek

Christiane Fux studied journalism and psychology in Hamburg. The experienced medical editor has been writing magazine articles, news and factual texts on all conceivable health topics since 2001. In addition to her work for, Christiane Fux is also active in prose. Her first crime novel was published in 2012, and she also writes, designs and publishes her own crime plays.

More posts by Christiane Fux All content is checked by medical journalists.

Around one in five people will develop depression that requires treatment at some point in their life. Contrary to what many believe, a severe blow of fate is by no means always the trigger for the emotional darkening. More often, depression seems to arise out of nowhere. The exact reasons why some people develop depression are not yet known. What is certain is that genetic factors are involved. But psychosocial mechanisms also play a significant role. And these can be influenced favorably.

Strong self-esteem

Mental stability and a strong self-confidence are essential protective factors against depression. Of course, not everyone with depression is unstable. It hits emotionally unstable, fearful, inhibited people much more often. In this respect, anything that strengthens self-confidence is suitable for keeping depression at a distance. This can be the achievement of a goal that you have set yourself or an activity for which you get recognition. Psychotherapy can help very unstable people to reduce feelings of inferiority and inhibitions.

Positive look

Optimism and a positive outlook on life are powerful shields against depression. However, whether someone has a more optimistic or pessimistic attitude is part of the character. However, even die-hard pessimists can change their worldview for the better. For example, by catching yourself and questioning negative thoughts and expectations. How a person perceives the world is always a question of interpretation. And you can learn to see the world more positively.Rituals, in which one specifically visualises the positive experiences, are also helpful for a better attitude towards life. For example, write down at least three things every evening that are positive for that day. Even if the day was pitch black.

Good social network

Man is a social being. Friendship, closeness, appreciation and love are essential elements for our well-being and our emotional stability. A close-knit social network is therefore an essential protection against depression. A good relationship with friends and family, colleagues, like-minded people, training partners or neighbors is a good protective barrier against emotional gloom. Loneliness, on the other hand, makes you depressed.

coping with stress

Chronic stress is an essential pathogen in our society, from which the psyche in particular suffers. There are many ways to reduce stress. Strategies for targeted stress management are just as helpful as learning a relaxation method (e.g. progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training).

Activity and commitment

Regardless of whether you enjoy digging in the garden, breeding goldfish or passionately cooking: An active, full life offers a certain protection against depression. Those who enjoy their job or hobby and get enthusiastic reduce stress, increase their level of happiness and keep going. Passivity and lethargy, on the other hand, are good breeding grounds for depression.


Sport has the most positive effect of all activities. Physical activity flushes stress hormones out of the blood and can sometimes work just as well as an antidepressant. Exercising outdoors has proven to be particularly effective. Those who do sports together with others benefit twice as the social network is strengthened at the same time.

Prevention programs for young people

There are now a number of prevention programs for young people that are designed to protect them from depression. Among other things, they focus on strengthening the social skills of the participants, reducing destructive behaviors and thought patterns, developing problem-solving strategies and reducing stress.

Prevent relapses

Fortunately, depression remains a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most people. However, there is always a risk of a new episode. You should therefore make good use of the various strategies to arm your soul against renewed gloom. Psychotherapy can be very helpful here.

Medication can help people with recurring major depression. When taken for a period of at least two years, they significantly reduce the risk of relapse.

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