Yoga for pregnant women

Eva Rudolf-Müller is a freelance writer in the medical team. She studied human medicine and newspaper sciences and has repeatedly worked in both areas - as a doctor in the clinic, as a reviewer, and as a medical journalist for various specialist journals. She is currently working in online journalism, where a wide range of medicine is offered to everyone.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Yoga for pregnant women can do you good in many ways: The millennia-old philosophical teaching from India can promote physical, mental and spiritual health. In addition to breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation, special physical exercises (asanas) help. For example, they improve physical strength, mobility and blood circulation. For example, yoga during pregnancy can help against common back problems. Read more about yoga for pregnant women!

Yoga During Pregnancy: Important Tips

If you want to do yoga while pregnant, you should discuss this with your doctor or midwife first. It is also best to practice yoga under the guidance of an expert. There are exercises that are generally not so suitable for expectant mothers or possibly just for you in particular.

Protect belly

For example, yoga for pregnant women should generally not include exercises in which you lie on your stomach and push your back. Of course, the stomach shouldn't be constricted either, and breathing should flow regularly - so don't hold your breath while doing yoga!

Pregnancy does not tolerate overload

During pregnancy, only those yoga exercises should be on the program that do not overload your body - you could otherwise do more harm than good to yourself and your baby. The same applies to incorrectly performed exercises.

Beware of inversion exercises!

Also keep in mind that after the fourth month of pregnancy you are not allowed to do any inversion exercises, for example headstand or the exercise "looking down dog". The head should always be above the level of the heart, otherwise it can lead to circulatory disorders.

Yoga newbies

Yoga beginners in particular should seek advice from a competent source. Yoga for pregnant women is also taught in special courses in many places. For example, for expectant mothers, a yoga session often begins with a relaxation exercise. This can be followed by breathing exercises, positive thinking exercises and finally the asanas. The conclusion is always another relaxation exercise.

If you take such advice to heart, not only will you benefit from yoga, but also your baby.

Better body awareness through yoga

A conscious awareness of physical processes and changes is important for pregnant women. Yoga for pregnant women can help you become more aware of pregnancy. In addition, the breathing exercises can better prepare you for the demands of the birth. Certain asanas also strengthen the pelvic floor, which can effectively prevent bladder weakness after childbirth.

Yoga for complaints during pregnancy

Yoga exercises can be a good means of counteracting the typical complaints during pregnancy such as tension and back pain. Many of the asanas that are recommended in yoga during pregnancy and also taught in courses stretch, relieve and strengthen the back muscles in particular. Deep and relaxing breathing is also part of many asanas.

Is yoga always suitable for pregnant women?

Always ask your doctor this question first. Only he can tell you which exercises and loads are right and supportive for you. In general, if you are healthy and the pregnancy is uneventful, there is nothing against yoga for pregnant women in general.

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