Sore throat

and Martina Feichter, medical editor and biologist

Martina Feichter studied biology with an elective subject pharmacy in Innsbruck and also immersed herself in the world of medicinal plants. From there it was not far to other medical topics that still captivate her to this day. She trained as a journalist at the Axel Springer Academy in Hamburg and has been working for since 2007 - first as an editor and since 2012 as a freelance writer.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Sore throats are usually caused by an infection, such as a cold or tonsillitis. Sometimes there is something completely different behind it, for example an inflammation of the esophagus or a swallowed foreign body. Accompanying symptoms such as pain when swallowing or fever help to search for the cause. Read everything you need to know about the topic: What can trigger a sore throat? How does the doctor find the cause? How can you treat a sore throat?

Brief overview

  • Causes: Among other things, infections (cold, flu, tonsillitis, mumps, rubella, measles, scarlet fever, herpangina, oral thrush, Pfeiffer's glandular fever, diphtheria, thyroid inflammation, etc.), inflammation of the esophagus, trachea or bronchi, reflux disease, chemical burns or burns of the throat Esophagus, tumors, insect bites, or foreign bodies in the throat or esophagus
  • When to the doctor In the case of very severe and very sudden symptoms, severe swallowing difficulties, prolonged or worsening sore throat, serious accompanying symptoms (such as high fever, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, cramps or stiff neck). Also see a doctor immediately if a foreign body has been swallowed, chemical burns or burns in the throat or esophagus or insect bites or bites in the throat or pharynx!
  • What helps with a sore throat? For sore throats caused by infections and difficulty swallowing, potato or quark wraps, gargling, cool drinks, liquid and soft foods are recommended. If necessary, painkillers and local anesthetics and disinfectants (lozenges, sprays, etc.). If possible, treat the cause, e.g. antibiotics for bacterial infections and antifungal agents for fungal infections.

Sore throat: causes

There are many different causes for a sore throat and pain when swallowing. Here are the most important:

Sore throat from infections

Viruses and bacteria are most commonly responsible for a sore throat and sore throat:

  • Sore throats almost always occur with colds and flu-like infections. Together with runny nose, tiredness, fever, cough, headache and body aches, the sore throat contribute to the pronounced feeling of illness.
  • Even with the real flu (influenza), a sore throat is often a pronounced symptom.
  • An inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) can be recognized by the white-yellowish deposits on the swollen, usually very painful tonsils.
  • The epiglottitis typically causes a high fever, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, paleness and a whistling sound when you inhale.
  • Diphtheria is a contagious bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract. It can also be accompanied by severe sore throats and difficulty swallowing.
  • Glandular Pfeiffer fever is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and is usually harmless. Many of those affected carry the pathogen, but do not get sick. Symptoms include flu-like symptoms and often a sore throat.
  • Inflammation of the thyroid gland caused by viruses or bacteria can also cause a sore throat. In addition, there is usually difficulty swallowing and the thyroid gland is sensitive to pressure. Sometimes it is not germs but an autoimmune reaction in the body that triggers thyroid inflammation. Then a sore throat or difficulty swallowing can also be absent.

Other causes

Other possible triggers of a sore throat or pain when swallowing include:

  • Inflammation of the windpipe, bronchi or esophagus: it can lead to pain in the throat and behind the breastbone and difficulty swallowing.
  • Reflux disease: acidic stomach contents flow back into the esophagus. This can cause pain and difficulty swallowing for those affected. Frequent acid regurgitation or inflammation of the larynx suggests reflux disease.
  • Foreign bodies in the throat or esophagus: They can cause irritation, inflammation, pain and difficulty swallowing.
  • Chemical burns and scalds of the throat or esophagus: They can also be the reason for sore throats and difficulty swallowing.
  • Insect bites or stings in the throat: They can cause pain and severe swelling of the mucous membrane, which can even be life-threatening!
  • Tumors: Tumors such as throat, esophagus, tonsil, larynx or tongue tumors are among the most serious causes of persistent sore throats.
  • Irritants: Chronic sore throats (rough, dry throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, lumpy feeling) often arise from prolonged or repeated exposure of the pharynx to harmful influences such as nicotine, alcohol, chemicals, dust, irritant gases or certain drugs.

Sore throat in children

Children particularly often suffer from sore throats. In addition to a common cold, the triggers can be teething troubles such as mumps, measles or rubella. But scarlet fever and tonsillitis are also more common in children than adults. A sore throat, difficulty swallowing and swelling in the throat can become so severe that the young patients no longer want to eat solid food.

Here is a summary of the most common causes of a sore throat in children:

  • Oral thrush is a fungal disease with whitish-gray coatings on the lining of the mouth and throat. It is particularly common for babies in the first six months of life. If you try to remove the plaque, bleeding can easily occur. In addition to a sore throat, fever and poor drinking can occur.
  • While scarlet fever is not a typical childhood disease, it is more common in children than in adults. The bacterial infection manifests itself as yellow-white dots on the tonsils and red spots on the skin.
  • Mumps is a childhood disease caused by viruses that (among other symptoms) often causes a sore throat.
  • Rubella and measles are also often heralded by cold-like symptoms and sore throats.
  • The herpangina caused by the Coxsackie virus is an inflammation of the oral mucosa, which mainly affects the palatal arches and tonsils. Fever, fatigue, vomiting, headache and sore throat are typical symptoms.

What helps against a sore throat?

The simplest and most effective remedy for a sore throat and the associated difficulty swallowing is to avoid pressure and friction on the irritated mucous membranes. Instead of hard foods, soft or liquid foods such as porridge, soups, yoghurt and juices are therefore recommended - they make swallowing easier. Cold drinks or ice cream often have a short-term pain reliever.

Tip: Avoid acidic foods and acidic drinks with mumps! These stimulate the flow of saliva, which additionally irritates the inflamed parotid gland.

Medicines for sore throats

Drug treatment of a sore throat fights the cause of the discomfort whenever possible. For example, if you have severe bacterial infections in the throat or tonsillitis, antibiotics may be necessary. If you have a fungal infection in the mouth, special antifungal agents (such as mouth rinses) can help.

In the case of viral diseases and most "teething troubles", on the other hand, often only symptomatic treatment is possible: one tries to relieve a sore throat, swallowing difficulties, fever, headache and aching limbs with suitable means. Painkillers and fever killers as well as local anesthetics and disinfectants are available for this purpose. For example, there are analgesic and disinfectant lozenges and sprays in pharmacies that can help relieve sore throats. Many of these are available without a prescription.

Home remedies for a sore throat

What helps against a sore throat? In addition to medication, there are also various home remedies that can help relieve a sore throat. These include teas, neck wraps, gargle solutions, and certain foods.

You will find out how to use home remedies for a sore throat correctly in the following sections.

Tea for a sore throat

Teas help against sore throats because of the warmth, which alleviates the discomfort. In addition, some of the medicinal plants contained have a slightly disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. This can speed up the healing process.

If you want to get rid of a sore throat quickly, you should use the following medicinal herbal teas:

  • Sage: Sage tea works against bacteria and viruses. It is also antispasmodic and has a contracting effect on the mucous membranes. This is why sage tea is a good choice for a sore throat.
  • Ginger: A tea made from fresh ginger also helps against sore throats, because the tuber contains anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Mullein: The flowers of the Mullein are effective against various cold symptoms, especially a sore throat. Because of its pleasant taste and mild effect, the medicinal plant is also suitable for children.
  • Verbena: Verbena is said to have mild antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Thyme: A tea made from thyme herb has an antispasmodic effect on the bronchi, promotes expectoration and is anti-inflammatory.
  • Ribwort plantain: A tea made from ribwort plantain leaves has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, stimulates the immune system and also inhibits the urge to cough. The tea is a good sore throat home remedy.

You can read more about the preparation, use and daily dose of the teas in the corresponding medicinal plant texts.

Gargle: get rid of a sore throat quickly

Gargling is also a home remedy that relieves sore throats.

Gargle solutions

Gurgle solutions from the pharmacy are also suitable. But you can also prepare a gargle solution yourself. A gargle solution has an expectorant effect, inhibits bacteria and soothes a sore throat. Suitable additives are:

  • salt
  • Lemon juice
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Application: Mix a glass of lukewarm water with either two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of lemon juice or one teaspoon of sea salt and stir well. Put a small amount of the gargle solution in your mouth and rinse and gargle your mouth and throat several times a day.

In addition, you can use the following infusions for gargling with a sore throat:

You can read more about the correct application in the article Gargling.

Teas to gargle

All of the above teas that you drink for a sore throat can be used for gargling. Let the freshly prepared tea cool down a bit and gargle with it several times a day.

  • Marigold tea: Prepared as a tea, the leaves of the marigold have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote wound healing. Gargling with marigold tea is therefore a good home remedy for a sore throat. Application: Pour 150 milliliters of hot water over one to two grams of marigold flowers. Let it stand for ten minutes. Strain off parts of the plant. Gargle or rinse the mouth several times a day with the cooled infusion.
  • Oak bark tea: The bark of the oak contains tannins and thus has a contracting effect on the mucous membranes. A gargle solution made from oak bark tea keeps viruses at bay and can aid healing. Use: Prepare 20 grams of oak bark with one liter of cold water and bring to the boil (from the age of ten). Let it steep for five to ten minutes and then strain through a cloth. Once the decoction has cooled, you can use the tea as a gargle solution for a sore throat or mild inflammation of the oral mucosa.

For children from one to three years old, the decoction is made with five to ten grams of oak bark per liter of water, for four to nine year old children with ten to twenty grams per liter.

Neck wrap for a sore throat

Neck wraps promise quick relief for sore throats. Both warm and cold compresses can relieve sore throats. Whether warm or cold is more suitable depends on the patient's personal feelings.

Cold neck wraps

Some sore throat patients find cool neck wraps pleasant.

  • Quark wraps for a sore throat: A cold quark topping has anti-inflammatory and cooling effects and relieves sore throats. Use: Bring 250 to 500 grams of quark to room temperature once or twice a day and spread on a gauze compress. Cover the compress with the excess gauze and a cotton cloth. Place the quark pad around your neck, leaving out your spine. Cover with another cloth and fix. Depending on your body temperature, let it work for up to four hours until the quark is warm.
  • Prießnitz neck wrap: A cool, moist neck wrap according to Prießnitz stimulates the metabolism, lowers blood pressure and relieves sore throats. Application: Put a cloth in cold water (10-18 degrees), wring it out and wrap it around your neck. Avoid the spine. Cover with a dry cloth and let act for 30 minutes to several hours. After removing the wrap, protect your neck from the cold. Use a Prießnitz neck wrap once a day.
  • Healing earth pad: A cold healing clay pad relieves pain and inhibits inflammation. Application: Mix the desired amount of healing earth with a little cold water to a spreadable paste and apply approx. 0.5 to 2 cm thick directly to the neck. Cover with a cloth and fix with another cloth. Let it work for one to two hours until the healing clay is dry. Then clean the skin, dry it and, if necessary, treat it with olive oil. You can use the healing earth pad once or twice a day.

Warm neck wrap

For some sore throats, warm neck wraps provide more relief.

  • Hot neck wrap: A hot neck wrap promotes blood circulation, has a relaxing effect and thus relieves pain. Application: Roll up the cotton cloth from both sides towards the middle and roll it up lengthways in a tea towel. Place this roll in a bowl so that both ends stick out. Pour 500 to 750 milliliters of boiling water over the wrap. Let it steep for a moment and wring it out well. Then carefully place the hot cotton cloth around your neck, avoiding the spine. Let it work for 20 to 30 minutes. Use up to twice a day.

There is a risk of burns from the hot water! If the wrap is still too hot, let it cool down a little.

  • Potato wrap: A warm potato wrap also has a pain-relieving effect on sore throats. Use: Drain 500 grams of soft-boiled potatoes and let them evaporate. Place the potatoes on a cloth and mash them with a fork or knife blade. Close the overlay into a package. Place an intermediate towel on the neck and place the potato topping on it. Fix with another cloth and let it work for 30 to 60 minutes.

Warm neck wraps are unsuitable for some cardiovascular diseases or neurological complaints. Talk to your doctor before use.

You can read more about the different wraps and how to use them in the article Neck wraps for sore throats.

What to eat for a sore throat

Sore throat: what to do so that the symptoms go away quickly? The simplest and most effective remedy for a sore throat and the associated difficulty swallowing is to avoid pressure and friction on the irritated mucous membranes. Soft or liquid foods such as porridge, soups, yoghurt and juices are therefore recommended - they make swallowing easier.

Another tip for a sore throat is the consumption of certain foods. Their anti-inflammatory properties make them suitable as home remedies for sore throats. This includes:

  • Honey milk: Honey can be a real miracle weapon against sore throats. Honey milk, for example, soothes the irritated mucous membrane of the throat and also promotes a good night's sleep. The combination of milk and honey also has a light expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Application: Warm a glass of milk and dissolve a teaspoon of honey in it. If you have a sore throat, drink the milk warm and in small sips.
  • Onion: Another sore throat home remedy is the onion. Its ingredients have anti-inflammatory and germ-inhibiting effects and can help against pain. Use: To make your own onion juice for a sore throat, peel and dice a large onion and pour it into a clean mason jar. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, close the jar tightly and shake. After about two hours, a sweet onion syrup will form. Now sift out the onion pieces and take one or two tablespoons several times a day.
  • Garlic: The tuber has a germ-inhibiting and disinfecting effect. The effective dose is four grams of fresh garlic per day. That is about two to three toes. If you don't like to chew the garlic raw, you can cut it into small pieces and eat it in a salad or on bread.
  • Black currant juice: Black currants contain a lot of vitamin C. Dilute the unsweetened juice with hot water and drink in small sips. This is beneficial for a cold or flu with a sore throat.

Ice cream for a sore throat?

Licking ice cream can provide short-term relief from sore throats. Cold drinks also work. They cool the irritated mucous membrane in the mouth and throat. Many patients find this pleasant. However, ice cream does not help against the inflammation.

Advice on home remedies for a sore throat

Home remedies have their limits. If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time and do not get better or even worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.

Sore throat: description

Sore throats are often described by those affected as burning, scratchy or stabbing pain in the throat or larynx area. A feeling of dryness in the throat, pain when swallowing and hoarseness can also occur. A lumpy sensation can also occur. Patients usually localize it deeper in the throat.

In most cases, such acute symptoms are associated with inflammation of the pharynx mucous membrane caused by viruses or bacteria. The mucous membrane is then noticeably reddened and often visibly swollen. The tonsils and the lymph nodes that can be palpated from the outside under the lower jaw can also be swollen due to the infection - a sign of the body's defense against the pathogens.

Sore throats caused by infections usually go away on their own within a few days. They are among the most common complaints patients see a general practitioner with.

Sore throat: when to see a doctor?

In most cases, the cause of a sore throat is a so-called minor infection - a flu-like illness that is usually triggered by viruses. The sore throat only lasts a few days. A doctor's visit is usually not necessary. However, if the sore throat does not improve or even increase within a few days and is possibly accompanied by more serious symptoms (such as swelling of the lymph nodes or fever), you should consult a doctor.

Severe sore throats with a fever, noticeably reddened and inflamed tonsils and difficulty swallowing should also be taken seriously. You should see a doctor, especially if you have severe symptoms such as high fever or shortness of breath.

It is also advisable to see a doctor if you suspect reflux disease. Those affected often complain of a sore throat, hoarseness and the urge to clear their throat, especially in the morning.

Tough swellings in the throat or the root of the tongue that do not subside after a short time, as well as externally palpable swellings in the lymph nodes, can indicate a serious disease (such as a tumor). The cause of such complaints should therefore be clarified by a doctor as soon as possible.

A case for the pediatrician

If your child complains of a sore throat, the urgency of the doctor's visit depends on the severity of the symptoms. If you suspect oral thrush or scarlet fever in the baby or toddler, you should see a pediatrician immediately. A doctor should also diagnose mumps, rubella, measles and herpangina.

Sore throat as an emergency

If a foreign body in the throat or pharynx triggers the pain and you cannot remove it yourself, you should consult a doctor immediately. You should not hesitate to see a doctor if you have burned or burned your mouth or throat.

Insect bites or stings in the mouth or throat are also an emergency. The poison can cause a strong allergic reaction of the mucous membrane. Sometimes the swelling becomes so severe within minutes that it makes breathing difficult. Young children in particular are often unable to pinpoint the cause of the sudden sore throat. You should therefore call an emergency doctor if you suspect an insect bite.

If patients with a sore throat and fever also develop cramps or neck stiffness, a doctor must be called immediately. Meningitis is suspected!

Sore throat: examinations

When talking to the patient (in the case of children: with the parents), the doctor can first take the medical history (anamnesis). Among other things, he asks how long the sore throat began, how severe it is and whether there are any other symptoms (fever, difficulty swallowing, headache, etc.).

This is followed by a physical exam. A look into the throat tells the doctor whether there is an inflammation, recognizable by reddening, swelling, blisters or pus in the mouth or throat. In addition, the doctor palpates the lymph nodes, especially under the lower jaw and along the neck organs. They may be enlarged and / or hardened. In mumps-related sore throats, severe swelling of the parotid gland is typical; In addition, boys may experience testicular pain. If the sore throat is related to scarlet fever, measles or rubella, the doctor will recognize this from the typical skin changes.

Saliva, blood and tissue samples

With a throat swab, the doctor can search for pathogens that are often responsible for the pain in the throat. A blood test may also indicate an infection or inflammation in the body. In addition, tumor markers and hormone levels can be checked in this way. If there is a tumor in the mouth, throat or throat, the doctor can also take a tissue sample (biopsy) to clarify a suspected tumor.

Further investigations

If necessary, the doctor can also use imaging tests to clarify a sore throat. Many changes such as swellings, tumors, bulges in the upper esophagus or changes in the thyroid gland can be detected by ultrasound examination. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is used in particular when a tumor is suspected, provides even more information about the shape and nature of the neck organs.

By means of a larynxoscopy, bronchoscopy (examination of the bronchi with an endoscope) and gastroscopy, the doctor can detect changes in the internal mucous membrane that can be behind pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing.

For such further examinations for unexplained sore throats, the family doctor often issues a referral to a specialist (such as an ENT doctor, radiologist or gastroenterologist).

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