Eye diseases

Eye diseases can affect any area of ​​the eye. Some develop insidiously and only at an advanced age, others occur even in young people. It is important to have eye problems clarified and treated quickly in order to prevent permanent damage. Find out more about the top eye diseases, how to recognize and treat them, and get useful tips for healthy eyes here.

Common eye diseases

There are numerous diseases that affect the complex sensory organ and thus impair vision. For example, infections with viruses or bacteria cause eye infections. Some eye diseases are the result of signs of wear and tear. Injuries can also affect the eyes.

Basically, all "components" of the Eye or the entire visual system, eye diseases occur. Here you will find a selection of common diseases:


A common eye disease affects the lens of the eye, which is usually crystal clear. The so-called Grey star, medically called cataract, clouds the lens. Cataracts are a phenomenon of old age, especially in industrialized countries.

In addition, other diseases such as diabetes or kidney weakness can promote its development. In rare cases, this eye disease is congenital. If vision becomes increasingly difficult, ophthalmologists replace the lens surgically. Medicines don't help.

Cataracts Cataracts are an eye disease in which visual acuity decreases steadily - up to blindness. Read everything you need to know about cataracts! Learn more

pictures Eleven facts about cataracts “Cataracts” is the most common disease of the lens of the eye, which primarily affects the elderly. Here are eleven quick facts about cataracts. Learn more

Video What is cataract? Do you see worse and worse? Which warning signs can be used to tell whether a cataract is behind it and how the disease develops. Learn more

Green Star

Also known as glaucoma is that Green star one of the most common eye diseases in Germany. The pressure in the eye is usually too high. Doctors differentiate acute glaucoma from a chronic form. The chronic variant is characterized primarily by damage to the optic nerve fibers. There is also congenital glaucoma.

The green star is the second most common cause of blindness in Germany. Around eight million people are at risk of developing this eye disease and around 800,000 are already infected. Doctors use medication - usually in the form of eye drops - and surgical procedures for treatment.

Green starGreen star is a collective term for diseases that damage the eye in several places. Here you will find all the important information about the disease and its treatment. Learn more

Video How does glaucoma develop? If left untreated, glaucoma leads to blindness. See in the video which warning signs you can recognize the eye disease and how it develops. Learn more

Conjunctivitis and corneal inflammation

Both the conjunctiva and the cornea, as the outermost layer of the eyes, can become inflamed particularly easily. For example, viruses, bacteria and rare fungi or parasites cause these eye infections. Foreign substances, injuries and allergies are also possible triggers. Treatment depends on the cause.

Conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis) Conjunctivitis can have many causes. Read here what these are, how the inflammation manifests itself and how it is treated! Learn more

Inflammation of the cornea is caused by pathogens or other factors such as UV light. Read more about corneal inflammation! Learn more

Macular degeneration

This eye disease predominantly affects people over the age of 60. That is why one speaks of the age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The macula, the place of sharpest vision in the eye, "ages" as it were due to disturbed metabolic processes.

In the industrialized nations, AMD is the most common cause of blindness in old age. There is no direct therapy. Nevertheless, there are now various approaches that doctors can use to slow the progression of eye diseases.

Macular degeneration Macular degeneration is the most common cause of blindness in adults. Distorted visual perceptions are alarm signals. Read more. Learn more

Retinal detachment

In this eye disease, the innermost layer of the retina becomes detached from its base. As a result, the light that hits the detached retinal parts can no longer be converted into electrical signals. Those affected complain of flashes of light and black spots. An increasingly spreading dark shadow also speaks for one Retinal detachment.

The retina usually tears beforehand, for example because the vitreous humor in the eye is shrinking and lifting off. This vitreous usually fills the inside of the eyeball and liquefies with age. Accidents, eye operations and tumors can also cause the eye disease. Doctors use lasers for smaller detachments and operate for larger ones.

Retinal detachment Flashes of light and visual disturbances can herald a detachment of the retina. Read everything you need to know about retinal detachment here! Learn more

Inflammation of the eyelids

Eye diseases can also affect the eyelids. At a Blepharitis for example, the eyelid becomes inflamed, usually from an infection with bacteria. If certain bacteria attack the eyelid gland, doctors speak of one Stye. Some of the glands can also become inflamed without pathogens playing a role. Clogged gland ducts lead to a so-called Hailstone.

Blepharitis Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids. The cause is a disturbed sebum flow from the sebum glands. Often there is also an infection with bacteria. Read on now! Learn more

Stye is a bacterial infection of certain glands on the eyelid. Read more about the causes and treatment of stye. Learn more

Eye diseases from A-Z

In addition to the above, there are numerous other eye diseases. For example, they can be the result of other diseases. In the Diabetic retinopathy For example, the blood vessels in the retina change as a result of the diabetes mellitus. The blood vessels there can also close completely, for example, if they are favored by high blood pressure.

In addition, eye diseases occur not only in the eyeball, but also in the rest of the visual system. Other components can also become inflamed, such as the optic nerve (Optic neuritis) or the lacrimal glands (dacryoadenitis). The eye socket, in turn, can break (Orbital floor fracture) or the associated tissue becomes inflamed (orbital phlegmon). There are also various tumor diseases of the visual system.

You can find more eye diseases here, clearly arranged from A to Z:

  • Amaurosis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Blepharitis
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Diplopia
  • Stye
  • Vitreous opacity
  • Cataract
  • Green Star
  • Hailstone
  • Corneal inflammation
  • Dermatitis
  • Macular degeneration
  • Macular edema
  • Retinal detachment
  • Orbital floor fracture
  • Orbital phlegmon (phlegmon)
  • Retinitis pigmentosa
  • Optic nerve inflammation
  • Uveitis
  • Clogged tear duct

Common eye symptoms

Eye diseases can be just as varied as there are numerous eye diseases. Most of the time, the eye symptoms interfere with normal vision, even if there is only a harmless protective reaction behind it. But they can also be signs of a serious illness. So, above all, take persistent eye symptoms seriously and have your vision problems clarified.

Typical symptoms of eye diseases include, for example:

  • Watery eyes arise, for example, as a protective reaction to foreign substances, but also in the case of eye infections or diseases of the tear system.
  • Red eyes are typical, for example, in conjunctivitis or corneal inflammation
  • Dry eyes are caused, for example, by various environmental influences such as long screen work or drafts. But diseases of the thyroid gland, Sjögren's syndrome or diabetes can also hide behind it.
  • Itchy eyes are particularly annoying and are often the result of an allergy.
  • Swollen eyes often occur in the morning and are usually harmless. However, in the context of allergies, heart failure and kidney failure, more water can build up around the eye, but also in the conjunctiva (Chemosis) store.
  • Burning eyes occur, for example, with inflammatory eye diseases. Even very dry eyes can sting.
  • Eye pain is about typical in glaucoma. Some sufferers also find burning eyes very painful.
  • For a Foreign body sensation in the eye It is not just irritants such as dust, eyelashes or smoke that are responsible. Inflammatory eye diseases also sometimes feel "strange".
  • Visual disturbances occur in almost every eye disease. Flashes of light, soot rain, flickering, shadows, double vision, impaired vision and even loss of vision - the causes of these eye symptoms can sometimes be serious and should therefore be clarified quickly.
  • One Photosensitivity again can have many causes. In addition to numerous eye diseases, these include headache syndromes such as migraines, infectious diseases or diseases of the nervous system.

In addition to swelling, redness and pain can also occur around the eye, for example on the eyelid or the bags under the eyes. Sometimes the eyes protrude unnaturally ("googly eyes"). Exopthalmus is what doctors call this eye symptom, which can be seen, for example, in the thyroid disease Graves' disease.

The opposite, the enophthalmos, is in turn a sign of an orbital floor fracture. Together with a drooping lid (Ptosis) and narrow pupils (miosis), the sunken eye also forms the so-called Horner syndrome. This indicates nerve damage, for example from tumors, strokes or vascular injuries.

Dark circles are mostly a cosmetic problem, but not always. Find out here where dark circles come from and what you can do about it. Learn more

Dry eyes Dry eyes occur when the surface of the eye is no longer properly wetted with liquid. Read more about causes and therapies. Learn more


More than 60 percent of adults in Germany have ametropia. Affected people only see clearly in a certain area. Opticians differentiate between the following forms:

  • myopia (Myopia): Affected people see things close up well, but distant things poorly.
  • Farsightedness (Hyperopia): Here, those affected see poorly near, whereas far-off vision is possible
  • Presbyopia (Presbyopia): The lens can become more and more difficult to adjust with increasing age. But this is important for close vision. As a result, older people find it increasingly difficult to read.
  • Astigmatism (Astigmatism): The crooked cornea interferes with the refraction of the light falling into the eye. As a result, depending on the extent, those affected no longer see sharply, but rather blurred.

Disturbed color vision

In addition to visual acuity, color vision can also be impaired. Not all cones of the retina, which are normally responsible for recognizing colors, work. This eye disease is congenital and is particularly common in men Red Green weakness. A total Color blindness is very rare.

Squint (strabismus)

If one of the eyes deviates from the normal visual axis, the person concerned will squint. Small children are particularly often affected. The cause usually lies in the genetic make-up. Treatment is important because children "switch off" one or both eyes, so to speak, so as not to see twice, which can lead to permanent visual impairment.

Nerve disorders can also cause squint. This affects the nerves that are used to move the eye muscles and thus the eye. If an eye muscle is paralyzed, eye movements in certain directions are no longer possible.

Strabismus In strabismus (squint), the visual axes deviate from each other when a special object is focused. Find out everything you need to know about strabismus. Learn more

Red-green weakness In red-green weakness, those affected can only distinguish red and green with difficulty or not at all. Read more about it here! Learn more

Eye diagnostics

An ophthalmological examination is necessary, among other things, if visual disturbances occur, the eye has been injured or the eyesight gradually deteriorates. From the age of 50, ophthalmologists recommend regular standard examinations.Otherwise, creeping disease processes are often noticed too late, especially when the healthy eye can still compensate for the dwindling vision of the other eye.

The ophthalmologist tests that, among other things eyesight, to which about the visual acuity and that Color vision belong. He also checks the field of vision or field of vision, i.e. what a person sees of his environment without moving his eyes or head (Perimetry). He also examines whether the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eyes are intact. The doctor can see how the pupils react by shining alternately into the left and right eye.

The doctor can also use special equipment to check the inside of the eye for eye diseases. He examines the individual eye sections with a so-called slit lamp. In the Fundoscopy it reflects the fundus. In this way, the doctor can identify damage to the retina and its blood vessels. Depending on the eye disease, there are also other special examinations.

pictures Telltale Eyes High blood pressure, diabetes and the like - these diseases can be seen in your eyes. Learn more

Eye treatment

The eyes are complex and delicate organs. The likelihood of a number of eye diseases increases over the course of life. Not all can be healed. Detected early, however, its progress can often be slowed down. Some acute complaints also need to be treated as quickly as possible in order to avoid permanent damage.

The therapy always depends on the respective eye disease. Special eye drops or eye ointments are often sufficient. Sometimes, however, eye surgery is also necessary. Injuries, burns and Foreign matter in the eye usually represent an emergency. First aid is crucial here.

Refractive errors can be treated much more easily. Visual aids like one glasses or contact lenses usually compensate for this completely. Operations can also provide a remedy (refractive surgery including various Laser process).


Glasses are optical aids that correct ametropia in the eyes. Read everything you need to know about it. Learn more

Refractive surgery The term refractive surgery refers to all eye operations that change the refractive power of the eye. You'll find more about it here! Learn more

Healthy eyes

Screen work and the often long-term use of smartphones, tablets or TV are eye-straining. The amount of time most people spend indoors is also not good for the eyesight.

But you can also do something good for your eyes. Regular eye training, a balanced diet and the right amount of relaxation promote eye health and can prevent many eye diseases such as the "Office Eye Syndrome“, Counteract successfully.

pictures VDU work: How to keep your eyes healthy Staring at the screen every day - human eyes are not made for that. How to prevent eye discomfort at work! Learn more

pictures The best exercises for stressed eyes These exercises will perk up your tired eyes! Learn more

pictures Eyes - 10 Curious Facts They are your window to the world - anyway, there are many things you bet you don't know about your eyes? We've put together some amazing medical facts for you. Learn more Tags:  prevention unfulfilled wish to have children nourishment 

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