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Sinupret is a commonly used medicine to treat sinus inflammation. The drug consists of several herbal active ingredients, the combination of which can alleviate and shorten the course of the disease. Read everything you need to know about the preparation here.

This active ingredient is in Sinupret

Sinupret contains active ingredients from the flowers of the cowslip, gentian root, elderflower, sorrel and verbena. Extracts or powders of these medicinal plants are used for the manufacture of the drug. They should promote the mucus solution and thus support the coughing up of stuck mucus. The preparation liquefies the mucus, which makes it easier to transport. This can shorten the course of an infection and prevent a new infection.

When is Sinupret used?

It makes sense to take Sinupret at the first signs of a cold. It is used for chronic and acute sinus infections (sinusitis). It makes mucous membranes swell, alleviates headaches associated with inflammation of the mucous membranes and makes it easier to breathe easily. The Sinupret application can accelerate the resolution of the disease. If necessary, the drug is also used in combination with an antibiotic.

What are the side effects of Sinupret?

In spite of the exclusively herbal ingredients, Sinupret can also cause side effects. The drug can occasionally cause nausea, stomach pain and gastrointestinal complaints. In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions such as skin rash, reddening of the skin and itching or a severe allergic general reaction with swelling of the lips, tongue and throat and shortness of breath have been observed. For further Sinupret side effects, please refer to the package insert.

You should bear this in mind when using Sinupret

If you experience side effects after taking Sinupret, you should contact your doctor or pharmacist and discontinue the drug if symptoms persist. If you are allergic to any of the medicinal plants or other ingredients it contains, the drug should not be taken. If you are known to be hypersensitive to lactose, it is advisable to switch to the lactose-free dosage forms Sinupret extract, Sinupret juice or Sinupret drops.

The drug should be taken for a few days after the symptoms have subsided. This helps to stabilize the mucous membrane function again. For the treatment of chronic sinusitis, it is recommended to take it over a longer period of time. In the event of persistent or recurring symptoms, however, it is advisable to consult your doctor in order to find further treatment options if necessary.

There are no known interactions between the drug and other drugs. Nevertheless, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist if you need to take other medicines - even if they are non-prescription medicines. If you are known to have severe digestive tract diseases (e.g. stomach ulcers), the benefits of use should be weighed against the possible risk.

Sinupret: pregnancy and lactation

Although the drug is not known to have harmful effects during pregnancy, it should only be used after consulting a doctor. It has not yet been adequately investigated whether the active ingredients of the preparation can pass into breast milk, so it should not be taken during breastfeeding.

How to get Sinupret

This drug can be obtained without a prescription from pharmacies. Although it can be taken without a doctor's prescription, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist about the use and dosage.

It is available in different forms. In the case of juice and drops, the active ingredients are dissolved in alcohol; in the liquid dosage form they can be dosed more flexibly than tablets or Sinupret dragees.

Interesting facts about Sinupret

In the US, Sinupret is sold as a dietary supplement. In Germany, the drug is one of the best-selling cold preparations.

Complete information on this drug

Here you can find the complete information about the drug as a download (PDF)

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