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Benjamin Clanner-Engelshofen is a freelance writer in the medical department. He studied biochemistry and pharmacy in Munich and Cambridge / Boston (USA) and noticed early on that he particularly enjoyed the interface between medicine and science. That is why he went on to study human medicine.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Taurine is known as a component of "energy drinks" and is also often found in complex nutritional supplements and parenteral nutritional solutions. As a naturally occurring compound in the body, taurine has numerous physiological effects. Among other things, it is involved in the development of the brain and the visual system. Here you can read everything you need to know about the effects and side effects of taurine.

This is how taurine works

Taurine is a breakdown product of the protein building blocks (amino acids) methionine and cysteine. Although it is sometimes referred to as an amino acid in the specialist literature, it is not an amino acid in the conventional sense - rather aminosulfonic acid is the chemically correct name for taurine.

The human body can establish the connection itself and is not dependent on an external supply. Taurine is naturally found in foods of animal origin, especially fish, meat and milk.

The substance occurs in the body in many types of tissue. The highest concentrations are found in the brain, in the retina of the eye (retina), in the heart, in the muscles and in the white blood cells (leukocytes). Taurine is also found in breast milk.

Taurine fulfills a variety of tasks in the body. These include:

  • Stabilization of cell membranes
  • antioxidant effect, i.e. binding of cell-damaging "free radicals" (aggressive oxygen compounds)
  • Participation in fat digestion: taurine is attached in the liver to the bile acids formed there in order to improve their solubility. After being temporarily stored in the gallbladder, these bile acid conjugates reach the small intestine, where they are broken down again. The now free bile acids are only available for fat digestion.
  • Involvement in the development of the central nervous system and heart
  • antiarrhythmic effect, i.e. taurine ensures a regular heartbeat

Other possible effects of taurine are:

  • anti-anxiety properties
  • Prevents glycation (the adhesion of sugar to cell structures, which affects their function), especially in the kidney

Taurine is often touted as cell protection for athletes with frequent overload, because of its involvement in membrane-stabilizing cell protection mechanisms and its antioxidant effect. However, this effect is overrated, experts say.

As a component of energy drinks, taurine is said to make you fit together with caffeine. However, the stimulating effect of such drinks is based in particular on the high amount of caffeine.

The fact that taurine improves mental and physical performance, as it is often propagated, has so far not been proven in high-quality studies.

When is taurine used?

Taurine is only used in medicinal products as part of what is known as parenteral nutrition. Parenteral nutrition is the term used by doctors to describe artificial nutrition using nutrient infusions that are introduced directly into the bloodstream.

Such nutritional infusions are mainly given to newborns, as their bodies are not yet able to produce taurine themselves - their liver function is not yet fully developed. However, the substance is vital (essential) for them, for example for the development of the eye retina, the protection and stabilization of cell membranes, fat digestion and communication between nerve cells (neuronal transmission).

If there is a medical need, taurine can also be given long-term. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has determined that there are no negative effects or taurine side effects even with a daily intake of three grams.

Taurine is also added to some dietary supplements and many energy drinks.

This is how taurine is used

Taurine is given as a solution for infusion as part of parenteral nutrition.

As a dietary supplement, the substance is dissolved in beverages or taken in the form of capsules or pure / mixed taurine powder. It is also part of many energy drinks (together with caffeine).

What are the side effects of taurine?

Side effects usually only show up at very high doses. Individual cases report stomach upset and stomach burning. Taurine can cause drowsiness in children.

What should be considered when taking taurine?

If the maximum daily dose is adhered to, taurine is relatively harmless, but people with kidney problems should refrain from taking it (especially in higher doses).

pregnancy and breast feeding period

There are no data on the use of taurine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For this reason, pregnant women and breastfeeding women should refrain from taking it.

Since when has taurine been known?

Taurine was first isolated from ox bile by German chemists in 1827 and called bile asparagine. The common name of 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid is taurine. This was first mentioned in the scientific literature in 1838.

Tags:  Menstruation symptoms Baby Child 

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