DLRG warns of unguarded swimming areas

Lisa Vogel studied departmental journalism with a focus on medicine and biosciences at Ansbach University and deepened her journalistic knowledge in the master's degree in multimedia information and communication. This was followed by a traineeship in the editorial team. Since September 2020 she has been writing as a freelance journalist for

More posts by Lisa Vogel All content is checked by medical journalists.

They jump into the water to save people from drowning. DLRG lifeguards guard bathing areas on coasts, lakes and swimming pools nationwide. The corona pandemic presents you with new challenges.

An undisturbed place to swim - especially in the Corona crisis, many people are increasingly looking for remote bathing places. The German Life Saving Society (DLRG) sees this as a danger. She warned on Thursday against the use of unguarded bathing areas.

Has the ability to swim suffered?

The organization fears that swimming skills have decreased due to the swimming pools being closed for weeks and the canceled swimming courses. Since outdoor pools are not accessible as usual and people are looking for a distance because of Corona, many people are drawn to open swimming areas, said Frank Villmow from the DLRG Presidium. The risk of drowning is higher there than in waters that are monitored by lifeguards.

950 rescue times in need

The organization, based in Bad Nenndorf near Hanover, is the largest voluntary water rescue organization in Germany.Last year, lifeguards saved 950 people from death - often at the last minute. In 42 missions, the emergency services put their own lives at risk, as DLRG President Achim Haag said. "They fight for every life in strong currents, storms and other dangers."

According to this, around 47,000 people worked for the DLRG last year. The organization wants to use recommendations, training and advanced training to ensure that people safely deal with the dangers of water. It monitors around 1230 bathing areas on coasts and lakes and around 1350 swimming pools nationwide.

Carelessness, overconfidence and ignorance

In emergencies in the water, carelessness, overconfidence and ignorance about the water often play a role, according to Haag. Young men in particular should be more careful when swimming. "Drowning is and will remain a male problem," said the president. Last year at least 417 people drowned nationwide - more than 80 percent of them were male. The organization is also concerned about the declining number of swimming tests. According to this, the trainers took 92,913 exams last year - almost 2000 fewer than in 2018.

Fewer rescuers due to strict requirements?

The pandemic also has a direct impact on the work of lifeguards, because they have to comply with distance and hygiene rules. "That is often not easy on small stations and on small lifeboats," said Villmow.

It could also be that this means that fewer rescuers are on duty in the summer because communal accommodation cannot be used as usual and there are no other accommodations. In the event of a corona incident at the scene, the rescuers have special protective equipment.

Red flag = danger to life

The DLRG marks safe bathing areas with flags, special flags indicate dangers. If only a red flag flutters in the wind, people should definitely not go into the water. Then life is in danger.

The rescuers made an urgent appeal to all parents. Children who do not have at least the free swimmer badge should never be alone in or near the water, as DLRG spokesman Achim Wiese said. (lv / dpa)

Tags:  nourishment skin teenager 

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