E-cigarettes: Not a healthy alternative

All content is checked by medical journalists.

MunichE-cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular. It is undisputed that they contain significantly fewer pollutants than their tobacco-filled models. Experts nevertheless warn against consumption. Because no one knows how harmful the steam engines really are.

E-cigarettes are touted by the providers as a healthier alternative to tobacco - and as a good way to get out of addiction. But there are still no clear study results as to whether this actually works. Above all, however, there is still no knowledge of possible long-term damage from the inhaled vapors. We therefore advise against consuming e-cigarettes, is the conclusion of a position paper that was presented at the current congress of the German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine (DGP). The medical newspaper reports that a total of nine specialist societies have joined the demands.

Unknown effects

"We have only recently known that nicotine itself can also have a cancer-promoting and aggravating effect," said ex-DGP President Prof. Robert Loddenkemper about the dangers of e-cigarettes in an interview. The propylene glycol contained in the steam is also questionable, as parts of it can get into the bloodstream and act as cell toxins. In addition, the formaldehyde contained can cause cancer. "In particular, however, the effect of the flavorings is not yet known," warns the pulmonologist. This has so far only been researched for oral intake, but not after inhalation.

Will nicotine be socially acceptable again?

In addition, the experts warn of the psychological effect associated with the increasing spread of e-cigarettes. Through them, nicotine consumption will in fact become socially acceptable again. As a result, the smoking of tobacco cigarettes could be tolerated more socially again, so the fear of the DGP.

Tasty gateway drug?

The experts also see a problem that the providers of e-cigarettes target young consumers with appropriate advertising and fruity or sweet flavors. The electric glow sticks could tempt young people to get started with nicotine addiction. The risk is increased by the fact that the sale, unlike that of tobacco products, is not regulated by law. (cf)


Press material from the German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine, http://www.steinboekk.net/pneumologie/, Accessed 19.0.2015

Doctors newspaper online, March 18, 2015

Tags:  laboratory values sex partnership Diagnosis 

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