Acid inhibitors promote gastrointestinal infections

All content is checked by medical journalists.

One in six people in Germany swallows proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which block gastric acid production. However, those who take them are also particularly likely to catch serious gastrointestinal infections - for example from poultry. This includes bacteria of the genus Campylobacter, which can cause dangerous secondary diseases.

Proton pump inhibitors reduce the production of stomach acid. They bring considerable relief to those who constantly suffer from heartburn. They are also valuable for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Weakened bulwark against bacteria

However, taking them long-term is not without risk. Because stomach acid has important tasks. Among other things, it kills unwanted bacteria that enter the body with food. It therefore forms an important bulwark against germs.

If there is too little stomach acid, the defense crumbles. Gastrointestinal germs also get into the intestines in large numbers. A current bulletin from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) points to this fact.

25 percent higher risk of intestinal infections

The scientists had examined 2073 cases of Campylobacter infections. 21 percent of the patients had taken proton pump inhibitors. It can be deduced from this that the risk of catching the intestinal bacterium is around 25 percent higher than usual when taking these drugs.

However, other factors could also play a role - for example the underlying disease itself.

Protection through hygiene

The RKI experts point out that people who take appropriate medication should pay particular attention to hygiene when preparing food. This applies in particular to poultry, which is particularly frequently contaminated, but also to other types of meat and raw milk.

They should only be eaten cooked through - that means a core temperature of at least 70 ° C. In addition, you should be particularly careful during preparation and make sure that raw food such as salad does not come into contact with contaminated hands, surfaces or kitchen utensils. You should also refrain from rinsing the meat, as the bacteria spread through the splashed water.

Criticism of massive use

Proton pump inhibitors with the active ingredients prantoprazole and omeprazole are beneficial. They can even be life-saving, especially when there is a risk of gastric bleeding from ulcers. However, experts are increasingly criticizing their widespread use. Since stomach acid is important to dissolve calcium from food, it promotes the development of osteoporosis. Further studies indicate a possible connection with various diseases, including liver and kidney diseases but also Alzheimer's.

Superfluous medication intake

Doctors complain that drugs are often taken unnecessarily or for too long. For example, in the case of an irritable stomach or a feeling of fullness. A change in lifestyle, for example with heartburn, could often make a big difference and eliminate the need to take medication.

This includes little alcohol, no hot spices, low-fat light food, but also exercise, stress reduction and, if necessary, weight loss. While these measures are not as convenient as swallowing a pill, they are good for health on all levels

Tags:  menshealth prevention fitness 

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