Detect a stroke using the app

Hanna Helder studied German language and literature at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg. In addition to her studies, she has gained a lot of experience in radio and print journalism through internships and freelance work. She has been at the Burda School of Journalism since October 2018 and writes, among other things, as a trainee for

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

Face, arms, language - a new app promises to be able to recognize a stroke more quickly by asking specific questions.

The free application called "FAST-Test" asks three simple questions about common symptoms - so laypeople can act quickly if they suspect another person is having a stroke. The term FAST stands for the English terms Face (face), Arms (arms), Speech (language) and Time (time). The app is available in German, English and Turkish and also has a reading function, as reported by the German Stroke Help, which is behind the application.

Every minute counts

A stroke (apoplexy, cerebral stroke) is a sudden circulatory disorder in the brain. She must be treated by a doctor as soon as possible! Otherwise so many brain cells die that the patient suffers permanent damage such as paralysis or speech disorders or even dies.

Frequent symptoms are acute weakness or paralysis on one side of the body, speech difficulties, visual disturbances and dizziness up to loss of consciousness. However, the signs of a stroke can vary in individual cases. They depend on which region of the brain is severely affected by the stroke.

Review symptoms

First of all, ask the person to smile - if the corner of their mouth droops, this could indicate hemiplegia, according to the app. Then the person should stretch their arms forward and turn their palms upwards - in the case of paralysis, it is not possible to raise both arms. Third, say a simple sentence. The person should repeat this - if this does not succeed or if the voice sounds slurred, there could be a language disorder.

Lose no time

In connection with Corona, the foundation fears that many people with temporary symptoms are currently avoiding going to the clinic - because they fear infection there. That is a mistake. Every stroke is an emergency. If the suspicion is confirmed by the rapid test, you should call the emergency number 112 immediately and describe the symptoms. You can also do this directly via the app. (hh / dpa)

Tags:  prevention organ systems Baby Child 

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