Psoriasis is a matter of the heart

Christiane Fux studied journalism and psychology in Hamburg. The experienced medical editor has been writing magazine articles, news and factual texts on all conceivable health topics since 2001. In addition to her work for, Christiane Fux is also active in prose. Her first crime novel was published in 2012, and she also writes, designs and publishes her own crime plays.

More posts by Christiane Fux All content is checked by medical journalists.

People with psoriasis do not only suffer from the skin symptoms: the inflammatory processes affect the entire body. They increase the risk of various diseases - including cardiovascular diseases. This applies to everything for those affected who, in addition to the skin symptoms, also suffer from inflammation of the joints, the so-called psoriatic arthritis.

Inflammatory processes fuel vascular diseases

The reason for this connection is that inflammation accelerates the deposition and narrowing of blood vessels: arteriosclerosis develops, which is the main cause of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases. It is all the more important to minimize the other risk factors for these diseases.

A recently published study by the International Psoriasis and Arthritis Research Team (IPART) shows that this is only the case in a few psoriasis patients. The research team led by Lihi Leder from the University of Toronto evaluated the data from a total of 2,254 patients with psoriasis. Most of them also affected the joints.

Obesity also increases the risk

In addition, the researchers found that the majority of patients had other serious risk factors for cardiovascular disease in addition to psoriasis: 75 percent were overweight or obese, of which more than half had a risky waist circumference. For women it should be under 88 cm (better still under 80 cm), for men under 102 cm (better under 94 cm). Stored belly fat is particularly problematic because it sends out messenger substances that additionally fuel inflammatory processes in the body.

Often untreated high blood pressure

Other risk factors were also frequently represented among the study participants: 45 percent of those examined had excessively high blood pressure and 49 percent elevated blood lipid values. Particularly worrying: For many, the risky values ​​were not even known before the start of the study. Others did not take the appropriate medication. In addition, 17 percent of the patients smoked, which puts additional strain on the blood vessels.

Diabetes and CHD are also caused by inflammation

Some psoriasis patients had already developed diseases related to chronic inflammatory processes: 13.3 percent suffered from type 2 diabetes and 6.5 percent from coronary artery disease (CHD), in which the coronary arteries are narrowed and there is a risk of a heart attack .

"We also observe this risk constellation for a heart attack or stroke in our patients in Germany," says Prof. Hanns-Martin Lorenz, President of the German Society for Rheumatology.

Contain risk factors

To avert serious cardiovascular events, the Society advises psoriasis patients to take their anti-inflammatory drugs regularly. This not only alleviates skin and joint problems, but also protects your heart.

It is also important to keep an eye on other risk factors. Patients should have their blood pressure and lipids checked regularly. A healthy lifestyle is just as important. Sufficient physical activity, a balanced diet and avoiding nicotine all contribute to this.

Two million psoriasis patients

Around two million people in Germany suffer from psoriasis or psoriasis. Typical for the disease are silvery, scaly, reddish areas on the elbows, knees and on the hairline. In five to ten percent of those affected, the disease spreads to the joints and psoriatic arthritis develops.

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