Swimming pool germs: danger to the eyes

All content is checked by medical journalists.

MunichRed, watery, burning eyes: After a visit to a swimming pool, it is not always the irritating chlorine that is the culprit, but sometimes also germs that cavort in the lukewarm water. They can penetrate the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye and cause inflammation there, warns the German Ophthalmological Society.

As refreshing as a dip in the cool water is, the eyes suffer from it. In swimming pool water, chlorine reacts with urine, sweat and dirt particles to form chemical compounds that irritate the sensitive organs of vision. The compounds attack the protective tear film. Usually such symptoms subside after a few hours. "If the symptoms persist for more than 24 hours, however, those affected should definitely consult an ophthalmologist in order to rule out a possible infection," advises private lecturer Dr. Philip Maier from the University Medical Center Freiburg.

Contaminated lentils

Contact lens wearers are particularly at risk: Dangerous germs such as acanthamoeba or fungi in the water can nestle in the soft material of the contact lens and multiply there. If left untreated, there is a risk of permanent visual impairment or even blindness. Come in addition. "When swimming without swimming goggles, the contact lens can stick to the eye," explains Maier. This could damage the cornea, which is extremely painful.

Protective swimming goggles

Well-sealing swimming goggles protect against aggressive substances, dirt and bacteria in the water. Doctors recommend a variant with cut lenses for people with visual defects. If you don't want to do without contact lenses, you should use daily lenses and dispose of them after visiting the swimming pool.

Then the same hygiene measures apply as usual: thorough hand washing before inserting and removing the lenses and their thorough cleaning with suitable care products. Current data show how important this is: According to them, careless use of contact lenses and inadequate care are the main causes of infectious corneal diseases. (cf)

Source: Press release German Ophthalmological Society (DOG); 07/14/2015

Tags:  diet laboratory values skin care 

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