Smoking is more unpopular with young people than ever

Lisa Weidner studied German and sociology and completed several journalistic internships. She is a volunteer at Hubert Burda Media Verlag and writes for the "Meine Familie und Ich" magazine and on nutrition and health topics.

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

The trend has been around for some time: cigarettes are attracting fewer and fewer young people. Health experts have not yet given the all-clear and warn especially against cannabis.

According to new data, smoking is more unpopular than ever among adolescents and young adults in Germany - but will it stay that way? Among the 12 to 17 year olds, 5.6 percent say they smoke constantly or occasionally, as a survey by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) presented in Berlin on Wednesday showed.

Among the 18 to 25 year olds, 21.2 percent are now smokers - also a historic low. The Federal Drug Commissioner Daniela Ludwig (CSU) spoke of "good numbers". Further advertising bans, which the Bundestag is supposed to pass this Thursday, are important so that they remain so low.

Number of "never-smokers" at the highest level

Smoking is increasingly uncool among young people, said Heidrun Thaiss, head of the BZgA. The proportion of "never-smokers" has now risen to the highest level to date: According to their own statements, 85.1 percent of 12 to 17-year-olds and 45.9 percent of 18 to 25-year-olds have never smoked.

The development of e-products and water pipes can be observed closely - even if no further increases in consumption can currently be seen. According to the information, 7,000 people aged 12 to 25 were interviewed for the survey between April and June 2019. The survey series has been running at regular intervals since 1973.

If you would like to become a non-smoker too, you can find out more here!

Prohibition of billboard advertising planned

In order to protect young people in particular from risks, the grand coalition wants to bring a step-by-step ban on billboard advertising for smoking through parliament on Thursday. It should be effective from 2022. Electronic cigarettes are also being targeted. Cinema advertising and marketing campaigns should also be restricted.

It is important that Germany is now the last European country to adopt an outdoor advertising ban that also includes e-products, said Ludwig. "Advertising is done to encourage consumption. Anyone who claims the opposite is lying." BZgA head Thaiss said: "Prevention is always swimming against the current." Low numbers didn't mean you could rest.

Warning: cannabis use is increasing

The widespread drinking of alcohol to intoxication among young people continues to cause concern - and increases in the consumption of cannabis. According to the study, 10.4 percent of 12 to 17 year olds and 46.4 percent of 18 to 25 year olds have tried this before. "Cannabis is by far the most widely used illegal substance," said Thaiss.

This is particularly worrying, since consumption in adolescence is associated with particular risks for the growing organism. The more often and earlier you smoke, the higher the risk of brain damage, learning disabilities and phases of depression, explained Ludwig. Both alcohol and cannabis also have a potential for drug addiction that should not be underestimated.

"Cannabis is not broccoli"

The drug commissioner warned against giving the impression that one was talking about a rather harmless substance with debates about the approval of cannabis. "Just because alcohol is dangerous - undoubtedly - cannabis is not broccoli." You have no reason to deepen the debate on legalization. "We have two folk drugs, I don't need a third," said Ludwig, referring to alcohol and nicotine addiction.

In view of the Corona crisis, the CSU politician also referred to the particularly difficult situation of children in families with addiction problems, which are mostly about alcohol. Here, due to the closings of schools and daycare centers, a piece of social control has been lost. "When children experience parents in addiction situations, it leaves deep wounds." In addition to the work of paediatricians and youth welfare offices, it is important not to look the other way when problems arise. (lw / dpa)

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