Less than half want to use the Corona app

Hanna Helder studied German language and literature at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg. In addition to her studies, she has gained a lot of experience in radio and print journalism through internships and freelance work. She has been at the Burda School of Journalism since October 2018 and writes, among other things, as a trainee for

More about the experts All content is checked by medical journalists.

The Corona warning app is to be published in June. According to a survey, however, only half of Germans want to use them.

The federal government wants to use a so-called tracing app to better identify the chains of infection of the coronavirus and to ensure that the spread of the coronavirus does not increase sharply again if it is relaxed for public life.

If a user tests positive for Covid-19 and this status is recorded in the app, the other users should be informed that they have been near an infected person in the past.

39 percent would not use the app

According to a survey, less than half of German citizens would download a corona warning app. According to the new ARD Germany trend, 42 percent of those surveyed would use such an app to track corona infection chains on their own smartphones. 39 percent would not use it. 16 percent stated in the survey that they do not have a cell phone or smartphone.

The most common reason: data protection

The data exchange should be anonymized and decentralized. Among the respondents who refuse to use the app, almost half (45 percent) justify this with data protection, monitoring or personal rights. 13 percent think such an app does not work, does not help, or other measures are better. (hh / dpa)

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